J. Neikena Diklu pamatskola

J. Neikena Diklu pamatskola

Jura Neikena Diklu pamatskola is one of the oldest schools in this area and as a small, country style
school has a lot of nature around it, what we use for outdoor activities for free time activities and
during lessons also. Since autumn 2016 school united with kindergarten and from now Jura Neikene
Dikļu pamatskola is much bigger structure with 160 pupils aged from 2 till 17 . And our new aims for
pupils are to help them to be more creative and to help to open their talents. School is located in the
North East of Latvia, 20 km away from regional and industrial center-Valmiera. The area of Dikli was
used as living place for workers from Soviet Union, working in Valmiera. And because in nowadays
there are many groups of young people with mix off different heritage of cultures and traditions, what
is mixed with Latvian culture and traditions, too. And very often it is hard for them to be integrated in
social activities because of bilingual situation, various cultural backgrounds and no educated
situation. After union in 2016 school has made aim to collaborate more with different schools from
different countries to improve the skills and get new practices. Right now Jura Neikena Dikļu
pamatskola is a partner in EU Erasmus+ project ,,Get moving!Take part in the Future." - what is
about general problems and possible problems solutions for EU pupils in new days. There are also
active projects in an E-twinning platform, what gives a lot of new ideas for pupils and for teachers. As
for country style school surrounded by green nature this new project would give possibility to share
ideas about outdoor education and use of nature in science lessons and also school hopes to teach
pupils to respect nature and environment, to save it and be proud of it. Key person is an English
teacher with experience in projects coordination from previous work place in vocational school and
this experience is very useful for putting in international area this school.