Nature and Outdoor Education Erasmus+ KA2 2018-2020

Selection of project group

We have got a new Erasmus + KA 2 project “ Nature and Outdoor Education”. This project is directed to 8- graders of our school. You can apply to project with an open application. Deadline for the application is end of September 2018.

Project group with guardians will have an opening meeting on first week in October.


Today many of our students have become alienated and ignorant to the natural wildlife within their
own local region, not to mention the wildlife in Europe. Due to their dense curriculum, most schools
cannot bridge this gap in knowledge, nor create a lasting appreciation and respect for nature.
Our project plans on educating our pupils about their own and other partners local nature, their
regional ecosystems and the problems and issues facing their regions with the resolve of finding
feasible ways of protecting the nature and sharing this information with the local community. It is our
aim that throught several outdoor activities our pupils develop good environmental practices which
will make them responsible citizens who appreciate, respect and take an active role in preserving the
nature in their local region and Europe.
Both the contribution to the ecosystem and the role in natural balance to the economies of countries
of biodiversity is very important. The contributions to the economy of biodiversity are; food, medical,
various commercial products and tourism. Its contribution to the ecosystem is spread out in a large
area like nutrient cycle to environmental cleanup. Cleaning the environment means, protecting the
environment from the disasters like flood, erosion and reducing the greenhouse effect by reducing
the harmful effects of carbon emission and increasing the nutrient cycle. So the endemic plants and
biodiversity is very important.
Participation and active citizenship of young people starting from pupils age in school and is a
fundamental right because they are the main targets of the decisions to be taken; therefore they
should have the right, the means and the opportunity to participate and influence decisions, and take
part in the actions aiming to built better life, society and future.
By leading the pupils to learn, observe and propose one of the aims of this project will be achieved: to
create a SCIENCE LESSON CHAPTER to be used in Science and Biology classes with lesson plans
(with activities) so as to deal with this thematic. This chapter will be the final product of our project
and by building it and then being used in classes we intend that the students intensification their
sense of fauna and flora diversity, broaden their knowledge towards understanding good practices
and policies across countries, broaden their knowledge about the reality, problems and possible
solutions of/ for their own country and increase their sense of preservation. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä