Self Organised Healthy Sports 2016-2018
Charity event Hatsala Skates and Skiis
Projektin yhteinen nettisivu
Magazine for Wasserburg meeting
Liikuntapäivän 5-ottelu 8.9.2017
Our international group organized Track and Field Pentathlon. Here is a video made by Aino and Maija.
Our international group organized Track and Field Pentathlon. Here is a video made by Aino and Maija.
Christmas greetings
Erasmus+ Projekti 2016-2018 Self-organized healthy sports
Oppilaskeskeinen yhteistyöprojekti neljän maan kanssa. Projektimaat ovat Kypros , Saksa , Espanja ja Liettua Kaikki koulut ovat liikuntaan erikoistuneita.
Kaksi vuotta kestävän projektin yksi päätavoitteista on lisätä oppilaitten liikkumista myös liikuntatuntien ulkopuolella, koulussa mutta myös vapaa-aikana.Lisäksi haluamme parantaa osallistuvien oppilaitten yhteistyötaitoja, sietokykyä, kestävyyttä , vastuullisuutta , ongelmanratkaisutaitoja sekä itseluottamusta.
Projektin aikana oppilaat ovat kiinteässä vuorovaikutuksessa eri maitten oppilaitten kanssa sekä oman ryhmänsä kanssa. Tavoitteen on vaihtaa ideoita , oppia organisoimaan asioita ,oppia dokumentointia ,käyttää tietotekniikkaa ja verkostoitua . Itsenäinen työskentely ,tavoitteiden asettelu sekä vastuullisuus omasta työstä korostuvat. Osallistujien pitää oppia välttämään riskejä kun järjestämme tapahtumia. Myös luovuus ja kriittinen ajattelu kehittyvät.
Järjestämme koulullamme ensimmäisen oppilaskokouksen alkaen 19.2.2017 .Silloin majoitamme 17 oppilasta osallistuvien oppilaitten koteihin. Kokous kestää viisi arkipäivää. Sen aikana keskitymme talviurheiluun, hiihtoon ja luisteluun .
Oppilaat aloittavat yhteydenpidon yammerin sekä Etwinningin kautta heti syysloman jälkeen.
Yhteysopettajat: Irmeli Miettinen ja Jussi Hämäläinen
Summary in english:
One of the objectives of the project is to develop a new and practicable concept for "health education" at the different schools. On the international level we want to compare the already existing kinds of health education and develop new methods. To establish this new optional subject we need the international comparison of the different curricula. So we can learn from each other and get new input, ideas, possibilities etc. especially because in Lithuania already exist such a subject. Besides of theoretical knowledge the practical use is an important thing to get closely in contact with a healthy lifestyle.
It will be useful for the students to discover their own sportive abilities during the activities. Moreover, the vast variety of activities caused by the different regional peculiarity may raise the students' interest in sports. It might also open up the student's minds towards new ideas: cross country skiing, for example, does not necessarily require a perfectly prepared loipe. Instead, it can be done with conventional equipment on fields and meadows just as well. High technology is not the most important thing in sports. The participants should develop a positive attitude and long-lasting enthusiasm for sports. They will realize that there is a lifelong connection between sports and well-being and discover their responsibility for their own bodies. They see that the approach to this subject can be different in other countries.
The other main objectiv is "Non scholae, sed vitae discimus" (we learn for life, not for school) - the students should be enabled to use this key competence for further action, but also in their everyday lives. To manage challenges without protection of the parents is an important aim of education and to which you need all your personal resources. So in general sports offers an unique opportunity for the students to overcome prejudice, cultural and linguistic barriers and to make friends in an international context more easily. So they improve personal skills and especially language competence. We have a common aim - to produce a book: Only with a culture of discussion and compromises it's possible to work it out.
By organizing, sweating and laughing together or by comforting each other, lasting friendships across inner European borders can be established easily. Our intention is that this will lead to an ever growing awareness that we are all part of a European community of people who pursue the same ideals and values. Sports has the potential to contribute considerably to the development of an attitude based on ethical values all over the European borders: keeping to the rules, which are essential for any kind of sport, fair play, mutual support, if one of the participants feels exhausted from hard cardio training etc.
Learning different ways of communication is crucial for the students when they start a career: face-to-face interaction as well as communication via social media and eTwinning in a foreign language inbetween short-term exchanges with the students from the partnership organisations will especially enhance their writing, speaking and mediating skills due to the authentic nature and purposes of the communicative situations. With their improved knowledge of foreign languages the students increase their chances of employability and business mobility. Furthermore, with their participation in the project the students obtain a so called "Europass" which guarantees the transparent assessment of the qualifications and competences acquired in the project throughout Europe. In every curriculum vitae its a good argument.
Moreover, the project aims at raising young people's awareness for nature in all its facets (weather, flora & fuana, geography) and for their surroundings. It is especially on an international level that we can see that environmental protection needs to be global in order to be successful. This is why the project includes the idea of visiting diverse geographical areas. For example: By doing cross-country skiing in Finland in a white and unspoiled countryside the participants will experience a very special scenery. The Alps as a recreational area worthy of protection can be reached comfortably from Bavaria, the Pyrenees from Spain. Between the meetings the participating schools modify the different kinds of sports the countries can offer and transfer them to other.
Kaksi vuotta kestävän projektin yksi päätavoitteista on lisätä oppilaitten liikkumista myös liikuntatuntien ulkopuolella, koulussa mutta myös vapaa-aikana.Lisäksi haluamme parantaa osallistuvien oppilaitten yhteistyötaitoja, sietokykyä, kestävyyttä , vastuullisuutta , ongelmanratkaisutaitoja sekä itseluottamusta.
Projektin aikana oppilaat ovat kiinteässä vuorovaikutuksessa eri maitten oppilaitten kanssa sekä oman ryhmänsä kanssa. Tavoitteen on vaihtaa ideoita , oppia organisoimaan asioita ,oppia dokumentointia ,käyttää tietotekniikkaa ja verkostoitua . Itsenäinen työskentely ,tavoitteiden asettelu sekä vastuullisuus omasta työstä korostuvat. Osallistujien pitää oppia välttämään riskejä kun järjestämme tapahtumia. Myös luovuus ja kriittinen ajattelu kehittyvät.
Järjestämme koulullamme ensimmäisen oppilaskokouksen alkaen 19.2.2017 .Silloin majoitamme 17 oppilasta osallistuvien oppilaitten koteihin. Kokous kestää viisi arkipäivää. Sen aikana keskitymme talviurheiluun, hiihtoon ja luisteluun .
Oppilaat aloittavat yhteydenpidon yammerin sekä Etwinningin kautta heti syysloman jälkeen.
Yhteysopettajat: Irmeli Miettinen ja Jussi Hämäläinen
Summary in english:
One of the objectives of the project is to develop a new and practicable concept for "health education" at the different schools. On the international level we want to compare the already existing kinds of health education and develop new methods. To establish this new optional subject we need the international comparison of the different curricula. So we can learn from each other and get new input, ideas, possibilities etc. especially because in Lithuania already exist such a subject. Besides of theoretical knowledge the practical use is an important thing to get closely in contact with a healthy lifestyle.
It will be useful for the students to discover their own sportive abilities during the activities. Moreover, the vast variety of activities caused by the different regional peculiarity may raise the students' interest in sports. It might also open up the student's minds towards new ideas: cross country skiing, for example, does not necessarily require a perfectly prepared loipe. Instead, it can be done with conventional equipment on fields and meadows just as well. High technology is not the most important thing in sports. The participants should develop a positive attitude and long-lasting enthusiasm for sports. They will realize that there is a lifelong connection between sports and well-being and discover their responsibility for their own bodies. They see that the approach to this subject can be different in other countries.
The other main objectiv is "Non scholae, sed vitae discimus" (we learn for life, not for school) - the students should be enabled to use this key competence for further action, but also in their everyday lives. To manage challenges without protection of the parents is an important aim of education and to which you need all your personal resources. So in general sports offers an unique opportunity for the students to overcome prejudice, cultural and linguistic barriers and to make friends in an international context more easily. So they improve personal skills and especially language competence. We have a common aim - to produce a book: Only with a culture of discussion and compromises it's possible to work it out.
By organizing, sweating and laughing together or by comforting each other, lasting friendships across inner European borders can be established easily. Our intention is that this will lead to an ever growing awareness that we are all part of a European community of people who pursue the same ideals and values. Sports has the potential to contribute considerably to the development of an attitude based on ethical values all over the European borders: keeping to the rules, which are essential for any kind of sport, fair play, mutual support, if one of the participants feels exhausted from hard cardio training etc.
Learning different ways of communication is crucial for the students when they start a career: face-to-face interaction as well as communication via social media and eTwinning in a foreign language inbetween short-term exchanges with the students from the partnership organisations will especially enhance their writing, speaking and mediating skills due to the authentic nature and purposes of the communicative situations. With their improved knowledge of foreign languages the students increase their chances of employability and business mobility. Furthermore, with their participation in the project the students obtain a so called "Europass" which guarantees the transparent assessment of the qualifications and competences acquired in the project throughout Europe. In every curriculum vitae its a good argument.
Moreover, the project aims at raising young people's awareness for nature in all its facets (weather, flora & fuana, geography) and for their surroundings. It is especially on an international level that we can see that environmental protection needs to be global in order to be successful. This is why the project includes the idea of visiting diverse geographical areas. For example: By doing cross-country skiing in Finland in a white and unspoiled countryside the participants will experience a very special scenery. The Alps as a recreational area worthy of protection can be reached comfortably from Bavaria, the Pyrenees from Spain. Between the meetings the participating schools modify the different kinds of sports the countries can offer and transfer them to other.