Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio


The Primary School of Nogueira (EB1 de Nogueira ) was built in 1981 and inaugurated on the next
year. Although it was originally an “open plan” school, it was closed later on. The school has 10
classrooms, a teachers’ room and an administrative room. There’s also a kitchen, a dining hall, a
polyvalent and a library. It has an open space (playground) in the exterior and another place covered.
All the classrooms are of reasonable dimension and are equipped with computers and datashow
projectors. Between classrooms, there is an extra room for handworks. In our school there is a very
diverse student population, serving mainly the central and southern part of the city. However, in
recent years, it has stressed the trend towards greater diversification, integrating school students
from all city parishes. From a sociological point of view, this school includes students from uppermiddle
and high class families, but also a significant portion of students from families of medium-low
and low social level, people with very low levels of education. Although the Primary School of
Nogueira has never participated in such a Project, has as it main goal, to promote intercultural
competences and to enrich teachers, students and other staff with educational and cultural
experiences that rise the schools’ educational level. The English teacher, as the person responsible
for this application, has already experience in 2 previous projects, being awarded a “Best Practice”
National prize for the last Project, which adds more value to this Project. Regarding the theme of the
Project – Insects - the school has been developing some activities that meet the theme, such as: -
experimental sciences classes; - outdoors activities (such as reforest burned areas around the city); -
study visits to/from Pedagogical farms (animals; plants; food); - exhibitions, etc. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä