Haapaniemi primary school
Haapaniemi primary school
Haapaniemi School in Kuopio is a primary school. Our pupils are from 7 to 13 years old, in classes 1 to 6.
Haapaniemi School aspires to create a safe and comfortable environment for learning and education together with parents and other people working in our school.
In basic education we aim to secure individual learning considering our special competence and resources available.
Our speciality is music education in music classes 3-6 and there has been a tradition of these since the 1970's. From grade three onwards, students from all over Kuopio have the opportunity to participate in the music class. Application for this takes place in grade two. Music education fosters lifelong interest in music. We teach basic knowledge and skills, further the development of the ability to work with others, and develop creative ways of expression. Haapaniemen nuorisomusiikki is a parent organisation that works to help and support music classes and the orchestras.
We also have a special education class. Its pupils are integrated with general education groups in many subjects.
Haapaniemi School aspires to create a safe and comfortable environment for learning and education together with parents and other people working in our school.
In basic education we aim to secure individual learning considering our special competence and resources available.
Our speciality is music education in music classes 3-6 and there has been a tradition of these since the 1970's. From grade three onwards, students from all over Kuopio have the opportunity to participate in the music class. Application for this takes place in grade two. Music education fosters lifelong interest in music. We teach basic knowledge and skills, further the development of the ability to work with others, and develop creative ways of expression. Haapaniemen nuorisomusiikki is a parent organisation that works to help and support music classes and the orchestras.
We also have a special education class. Its pupils are integrated with general education groups in many subjects.