
Write a composition of 700–1,300 characters on one of the topics below, following the instructions.
Spaces and line breaks are not included in the character count.
Please note that the limit is 1,300 characters not words.

1. Words, words, words
What do words mean? What kind of problems have you had with English words you didn’t know or misunderstood, and has it led to uncomfortable or just hilarious situations? Do you have strategies for dealing with situations like this? Write a guest post to the BBC’s Learning English blog discussing some of your experiences with unfamiliar words.

2. Opinion piece on military service
The Finnish Conscripts’ Union is gathering young people’s opinions about general conscription. At the moment, all Finnish men between the ages of 18 and 60 must either perform military or non-military service. Women can apply for voluntary military service. What do you think and why? Write your text to the union stating and arguing for your opinion.

3. The tools from school
You will be leaving school in a few months. Looking back at the past few years, it is time to summarize your thoughts and experiences. How has general upper secondary school prepared you for the future? Is there anything you would have wanted or would perhaps have needed to learn more about? Is there anything you would like to change? Why?

4. Food for thought
Julius Caesar wrote: “Events of importance are the result of trivial causes.” Write a contribution to an online forum discussion on the topic. Give a concrete example or examples.
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