Narcissus - Caravaggio

File:Narcissus-Caravaggio (1594-96).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio also known as Caravaggio was an Italian painter. Born in 1571, he lived in Rome for most of his life. It is said his work and style heavily inspired Baroque painting.

The painting was made using oil paint on a canvas. Not surprising, considering that oil on canvas has been the most popular method of painting for centuries. 

I chose this piece because I find mythology very interesting and I think paintings depicting myths are very beatiful and I like how they visualize written myths. 

In the painting you can see Narcissus staring at his reflection in a puddle. Narcissus was well known for his beauty. Unfortunately he was also known for rejecting all romantic advances. This caught the attention of Nemesis, a greek goddess of revenge. Nemesis decides to punish Narcissus and led him to a pool. Narcissus then falls in love with his own reflection and refuses to leave until he dies. Upon death he turns into a flower, unsurprisingly the narcissus flower.

I don't think this painting has a message, since it's just depicting a myth.

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Hilla Toivanen

I think you had told about the myth of the work of art really well and after reading your analysis I looked at the painting in a whole new way. I also think the painting itself may haven't any dividual message but its myth is some kind of message. Maybe it tells at least about people's self-love. The artist may have included in the painting a teaching for people like Narcissus. On the other hand I think Narcissus in a way did nothing wrong even he rejected all romantic advances. I think the painting is simple but it gets a lot of thought if you know the backgrounds of the painting.

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Jenni Mäkipää

This artwork was painted beautifully and I like the fact that the painter used light colours to the person and dark colours to the backround. It directs the attention to Narcissus which makes sense referring to the story. I also find different myths and old stories very interesting so it's great to see them visualized, just like you said. The myth behind this painting is fascinating and I would like to learn even more about it.

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Salem Wild

This piece is very detailed and amazing, but the myth you told about is more interesting in my opinion.
I really enjoy reading about mythology, but I also enjoy art, so this is a two in one. 

I do think the myth is the message, just like Hilla pointed out. 
it shows how narcissus is in love with himself, looking at the puddle intensely.
very interesting choice, I really enjoyed learning about the myth behind the painting

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