Black square - Kazimir Malevich

File:Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich - Black Square.jpg

This very famous painting has been painted by Kazimir Malevich
. He was an Ukrainian-Russian art theorist and artist who was also on the leadership of Russian avant-garde. His style was suprematism. This circles, squares and triangles using tecnique can be clearly seen in his paintings.  

This work of art is one of the world-widely known Malevich’s Black Squares. The painting is thought to be painted in the end of 1920’s or in the early 1930’s but there is not exact information when it has been painted. Out of the four known Black squares it is the last that has been painted. It is a dark square painted with oil on canvas. If the limits were expanded, the dark theme would propably stay the same but the painting gives a change for a viewer to image if there is something more.  


I chose this art piece because it has always interested me. When I first heard about it I just thought how crazy art can actually be and still speak to people. I wouldn’t even be suprized if this was only one painting but the amount of them and how various (thinking they are black squares) and expensive they are is unbelievable.  


This painting doesn’t seem to have a very clear message. It leaves the whole interpretation for a person to think by oneself. For me it shows that art can be very simple and at the same time - depend the point of view it is seen - meaningful and close, scary or other way just fascinating.  

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Hilla Toivanen

At first I didn't mind commenting on this because I thought I had nothing to say about any black square. However, I decided to comment on this because everyone can actually interpret the work of art in their own way. I personally think that the artwork depicts some kind of gloom and difficulty in life. Perhaps my current life situation and views of the world affect my interpretation. For example in a few decades my interpretation may be quite different. I had heard of the black square before but I didn't know that Malevich had done them for more than one.

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Jenni Mäkipää

This painting is an interesting choice because there is not much going on. Despite of that I think that you have managed to find some good points about the artwork. I like that you have sorted out the facts about the painting because eventough I knew that this piece of art existed I didn't know any details about it. I agree with you that the theme of the painting can be seen in many different ways depending on who's watching it. In my opinion the message of the painting is that even in the darkest places and aspects of life, there is always different shades of colour and little light spots. I think that way about the artwork because the different shades and lighter areas can be seen on the surface of the painting.

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Kristian Lindström

Honestly, this is what I felt on my last math exam. If I was a painter, this could be the closest thing to paint. I don't paint my dreams, hopes or the worst fears, I paint my own reality :'). The picture above looks like a blackboard from my computer screen and it is surrounded by a white ring/line etc. Does it go along with the painting or is it the picture who someone has taken? I don't really know. The colour choices may not be extended or colorful but my eyes like it.

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia vastauksen lisäämiseksi. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä