Burnout, Miles Johnston 2019

Tekijä: Salem Wild

Miles Johnston, ‘Burnout’, 2019, Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper, Ink on Paper, Aux Gallery

Miles Johnston was born in the UK in 1993, he studied art at the Swedish Academy of realist at 18, and now works
part-time as an instructor at the same school whilst working on developing his own art.
This piece "burnout" is done with ink on paper.

I chose this piece because I like the line work, and the meaning is something I can relate to.

In the picture we see a person slumped over a table, with a kind of smoke coming out of their head, we can't see where the smoke is going, or the person's face.

The piece is about burnout, Burnout is a form of exhaustion most often caused by lots of stress. The piece has taken the name of burnout at face value, as the person's head seems to be burning down, kind of like a candle

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Jami Lehtinen

This piece is describing well how overwhelming stress can feel and look like. During burnout it feels like not having any power at all to do anything. Even standing up feels heavy. 
It took a while but I noticed that the head was actually the earth. After that finding I formed a message about world's problems having a effect on us. Knowing about world suffering and not being able to help makes many frustrated and desperate.

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Kaisa Lehtonen

This piece has a very strong feeling in it. The exhaustion and hoplessness can be senced clearly. A name "Burnout" is perfect to depict the picture and the atmosphere in it.  
I wouldn't even have noticed the earth in a person's head if Jami hadn't mentioned it. That changes the whole way I see this piece. Stress may be paralyzing which can be seen in the picture. Considering the earth on fire and year 2019 (when this art piece was made), Burnout could tell about how the climate change is so stressful that people feel powerless against it.

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