Weeping Woman - Pablo Picasso

Tekijä: william lampi
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The artist of the painting is Pablo Picasso. He is Spanish artist he is a very famous painter who had really many valuable paintings. During his lifetime, Picasso painted nearly 13 000 paintings. He moved to Paris in 1904 and stayed there until his death 1973.

He had many different styles he painted during his life but one of them was cubism and this style is reflected in the picture I chose. If you read various texts online you may also notice that somewhere you say Picasso's style because his style was so original it is general to hear art works called by that name.

I chose this picture because I like colorful paintings. This painting is a pretty famous Picasso painting and it caught my eye when I was looking for a work of art. In Picasso’s paintings there is something interesting when I look them something that I like very much.  

The painting shows a woman with tears on her face. Painting is called Weeping woman what means basically crying woman. In the picture you can't see anything below her face. I think the painting is cropped really well.

I think the message of the painting is to tell about the pain, sadness and suffering in the world. The painting was painted during the war which can tell why the woman is painted to look sad. 

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia vastauksen lisäämiseksi.

Niko Lampinen

You have chosen a great picture. I can identify with your opinion of this picture because I also like the colours of this painting. Those colours highlights the main points of this picture well. You have written this analysis very well and it’s easy to read. You have brought up your opinions clearly. Those points you have named of the message of this picture describes well this painting. Well done. 

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia vastauksen lisäämiseksi.

Ville Niemi

I think that you chose a really interesting and different painting to analyze. The explanation of Picasso and his style of painting was really diverse and interesting. I think that you summed up the message of this painting really well and I agree with you on it. I liked that you figured out what was the backstory of this painting and in what situation it was painted. Good job.

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Mika Puolakainen

I think Pablo Picasso’s paintings are weird and interesting at the same time. You can definitely see his unique style from looking at this piece. I agree that the message of the painting is universal suffering because the painting looks intense.

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Jami Kuusela

I think that you analyzed the picture precisely and clearly and I think that you've found the main idea behind it. Your text was easy to read and I enjoyed reading it.

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