Englis line education program

English line education program is bilingual program where Finnish and English both are used as language of introduction. The English education program is based on the Finnish primary school curriculum but it will be bilingual. This means, that the subjects and lesson hours will follow the same curriculum as the other primary schools in Kotka. The program is open to pupils interested in studying in Finnish and English however these language skills are not required from applicants. 

New groups have started since 2017 and Kotkansaari school has now (2023-2024) groups from 1st to 7th class. The English Line program is primarily for local pupils from Kotka. The pupil’s guardians are responsible for school transportation.

Future first graders apply to English line when they are enrolling in for school. All children who apply to English line take part to learning readiness test. There will not be separate invitation for the test. A bilingual program requires extra effort from the child and if he or she has difficulties in learning, reading or writing, this should be considered before applying to the program.

Native English speaker’s applications are concidered seperately/ tested during an interview, please contact principal Anu Tiilikainen.

More information from Anu Tiilikainen, tel. 0400 420 982 or by e-mail anu.tiilikainen@kotka.fi.

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