


1. Do exercise 4: translate the sentences into English (page 70) and exercise 8: make sentences to suit the answers (page 72). Write your answers in your copybook or on Class Notebook.

2. Do task 1 and task 2 below.

3. Do this if you haven't already done it:
Listen to this audio (ex.2 in your workbook), practise. After you have practised, record and send it to the teacher on WA.

Task 1 Past tense (imperfekti)

Kirjoita aukkoihin imperfektimuodot annetuista verbeistä. Write past tense forms of the given verbs:

1. My friend his ankle. (break)
2. We to visit him. (go)
3. We at 6. (leave)
4. We four hours. (drive)
5. We lunch. (eat)
6. We any coffee. (not drink)
7. it a nice place? (be)
8. you it easily? (find?)
9. We some flowers for our friend. (buy)
10. He very happy. (become)
Write your name here:

Roskapostituksen esto
Valitse mikä tahansa numero, joka on suurempi kuin 2.

Task 2 Conditional (konditionaali)

Fill in the right form of the given verb. Täydennä lauseet sopivalla konditionaalimuodolla suluissa olevasta verbistä.
Jos minulla olisi rahaa, ostaisin polkupyörän.
If I had money, I would buy a bicycle.

1. If I money, I a bicycle. (have, buy)
2. If I a bicycle, I every day. (have, ride)
3. If I every day, I a lot of fresh air. (ride, get)
4. If I a lot of fresh air, I the flu very often. (get, not get)
5. If I the flu very often, I to the doctor's so often. (not get, not go)
6. If I to the doctor's so often, I a lot of money. (not go, save)
7. If I a lot of money, I a bike for my boyfriend too. (save, can buy)
Write your name here:

Roskapostituksen esto
Valitse mikä tahansa numero, joka on suurempi kuin 2.