Workshop Programme


Friday 12.15 -14.00

Opening/ Program: Present Ideas and Show Examples and tools

Risto A. Paju/ algorithmic art

Microbit, 4D Frame/

Co-operation: Science group Jyväskylä Christian school students/

University of Jyväskylä, Kristof Fenyvesi KICKS, Erasmus

Skype with Spanish co-students 13.30 Arturo


Microbit – First projects/ science group Jyväskylä Christian School students/

Nine top BBC Micro Bit projects | IT PRO

micro:bit : Games

10 BBC micro:bit Projects in 10 Days - Element14

Examples of possible projects / Investigate

Time to explore project and appropriate tools / investigate

Share ideas with each other


Risto Paju & Algorithmic Art (artclass 103 9-10, akvaario 10-14)

17.3 Friday

Risto Paju & Algorithmic Art (artclass 103 9-10, akvaario 10-14)

[From Sara Murtonen and Aino Soini, students of Viitaniemi School]: Algorithmic Art

During our "Mono-days" (multidisciplinary learning modules) we created art using functions on Risto Paju's program. The idea behind the mathematic art was using iteration and pixels to create our own shapes and pieces of art. We edited the original given function to find the best possible final outcome.

When we found the picture we were happy with, we had to finalize it by programming.To get more depth we change the amount of pixels (forming the picture). Also the colors could be changed.

Risto Paju guided us all the way during this process. He also provided us with a simplified website containing necessary instructions. The days were educative and fun. And we enjoyed the unique pieces we created. We would totally do this again.

20-21.4 Thursday & Friday : Microbit & 4D Frame,

Schlakker Eszter, Keszthely, Hungary
Snowflace structures, building 4D frame

Micro:bit workshop part 2

Share and talk about what we have learned/ Getting ready for Public day


22.4 Public day

Art Exhibition of the works made at Risto Paju & Algorithmic Art- workshop, ground floor

Algoritmitaidetta : Opiskelijoiden taideteokset nähtävillä P-kerroksen aulassa.

Tule kokeilemaan ohjelmointia mikro:biteillä ! Tulitikkuaskin kokoinen minitietokone

menee pieneen tilaan ja tarjoaa hyvät mahdollisuudet opiskella ohjelmointia.

Oppilaat opastavat!

Come and try programming with micro:bit's ! Class room 216

Kuvat: Sara Murtonen 8K käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä