History of Osterbrunnen in "Little Switzerland" (Franconia)

The main reason for decorating springs and fountains during Easter time lies in religions belief and the importance of water in our rather dry region. Water is life.

Holy easterwater is said to have a special effect: Children being baptised with this holy water are said to be very intelligent.

Drinking holy water should protect from illness and splashing water in the house keeps bugs away. And the farmer blessed the cattle in the stable with holy water to protect them against diseases.

The origin of this custom could be find in a time when there was no central water supply. In the dry high plains of Franconia in former times mainly women had to take water from the springs in the valley up to the villages. Therefore water was valuable.

Decorating springs and fountains during easter time is a about 100 years old custom. At first the fountains are cleaned. Then they are decorated with painted eggs, coloured paper tapes and garlands of fir twigs. They are looped round the water trough or bound as a crown.

Biggest easterfountain in the world in Bieberbach, Franconia

Easter fountain in Frochheim