Monday, 18 December

Text 3.1 The Serene Silliness of Everyday Existence

1. Talk about the following questions in pairs or in groups of three. 

1. If you had to, could you give up most of the things you own? Why/why not?
2. Could you imagine living the life without calendar? How would the life be without schedules?
3. Could you live without electricity? How would it change your life?
4. How would life be without the internet access? How long would you survive without the internet? Motivate.

2. Practice the vocabulary of the text The Serene Silliness of Everyday Existence by playing Quizlet (exercise 2 in your book)
or Blooket. Play at least for 15 minutes.

3. Do exercise 3

- Highlight all unfamiliar words and phrases in the text and find out their definitions. After that make your own word list with 20 words. Return your word list to the return folder.

5. Do ex. 4, 6,7 and 13.

Return folder

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