Word order/sanajärjestys

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Kirjoita lauseet uudestaan niin, että sijoitat suluissa olevat liikkuvat määreet lauseisiin.

1. I go swimming in the ocean at night. (never)

2. We don’t enjoy playing tennis in the rain. (always)

3. Jack and Jill have done their housework this morning.

4. Does Paul make dinner for the whole family? (ever)

5. It was an excellent book you recommended to me. (really)

6. Phil makes mistakes when he does his maths. (rarely)

7. The wind blows less strongly during the night. (often)

8. It is this cold in the middle of the summer. (seldom)

9. I would like to go abroad on holiday. (sometimes)

10. It would have been better to go than stay here. (probably)

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen