Spanish Club 2020-2021


Patricia Calzado, an Erasmus student from the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), ran three Spanish clubs at Karhunmäki school in 2020-2021. Two parallel clubs were held in the autumn and one club in the spring. Altogether 36 pupils took part in the clubs learning the basics of the Spanish language such as greetings, colours and numbers. One important aspect of the clubs was to get acquainted with the Spanish culture and its specific features such as food and different festivals. This is how Patricia herself reflected on the clubs:

"I was very happy to see how warmly the Spanish club was welcomed at the school and the interest from parents in it. Kids attended our meetings with an open mind towards a new language and culture and I hope they enjoyed learning about the Spanish speaking world as much as I did organising the clubs. Hopefully they will have the chance of continuing this language learning adventure in the near future."