
9.30 Opening and testing the connections (Zoom)
10.00 Welcome words, getting to know the program, the project and all project partners
Planning coordinators Tuomo Kuivalainen and Ville Hirvikoski, Summer University of Jyväskylä
10.15 Presentation: city of Jyväskylä
10.30 Presentation: University of Jyväskylä, Summer University of Jyväskylä and the U3A of Jyväskylä.
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 Reform in continuous learning in Finland
Project manager Antti Laitinen, University of Jyväskylä
12.00 Lunch break
13.00 Digitalization and digital support in Finland
Project manager Minna Piirainen, Digital and Population Data Services Agency DVV
13.30 Digital tutors and courses on digital competences at the U3A of Jyväskylä. National Geronet -project
Chairperson of tutors Salme Lindroos
Planning coordinator Ville Hirvikoski, Summer University of Jyväskylä
14.00 Digivireä Keski-Suomi -project
Project manager Susanna Nurmeksela, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK)
14.15 Coffee break in smaller online groups - possibility to network with participants
14.45 Perspectives on enhancing the digital inclusion of older people
Doctoral Researchers Viivi Korpela and Laura Pajula, University of Jyväskylä.
What does it take to be able to participate in the digitalising society? How are older people taken into account in the digitalisation? These are some of the questions we are focusing on in our research. We will approach the topic by going through our journey that started with our Master’s thesis and is now continuing at the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care.

15.30 GEREC Gerontology Research Center
Research Director Katja Kokko, University of Jyväskylä
16.00 Reflections and discussion
16.30 Cultural program

End of the program at 17.00.

All times are in Finnish time (UTC+2). Difference f. ex. to Central European time (UTC+1) is +1 hour.

We keep the right for any changes in the program and all changes will be updated at this page.

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