How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic?: Lithuanian Experience (June 2021)

Online seminar on the 2nd of June

This event is part of a Nordplus project NPAD-2020/10169: How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic?

The aim of this project is to share good practises about the topic, how seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and the Baltic. Beside of that we learn, how digitalization and continues learning are seen in different countries. The event is hosted by the Medardo Čoboto trečiojo amžiaus universitetas (MCTAU). The MCTAU is an University of Third age (U3A) in Vilnius, Lithuania.

All people interested in the followed program are welcome to join our online seminar. It will be carried out in Zoom. You'll find the link for registration in the right column of this page.






Opening and testing the connections (Zoom)


10:30 – 10:45

Welcome words, getting to know the program,
the project and all project partners

Planning coordinator

Dr. Jurgita Rotomskienė
Dean of Faculty of Politics and Economy MČTAU

10:45 – 11:00

Presentation: Lithuania and Vilnius


11:00 – 11:30

Presentation: The Medardas Čobotas University of the Third Age

A. Rėksnienė
MČTAU Vice Rector

11:30 – 11:45

Coffee break


11:45 – 12:30

Presentation: Review of Lithuanian adult education

Dr. Loreta Štelbienė
MČTAU project coordinator

12:30 – 13:30

Lunch break


13:30 – 14:15

“Connected Lithuania: Effective, Secure and Responsible
Digital Society
in Lithuania” (hereinafter “Connected Lithuania”) 

More information here.

Loreta Križinauskienė
Chair of the Board of Association Langas į ateitį
(Window to the Future)

14:15 – 15:00

Presentation: Project „Technological creation in a university
of the third age “

More information here.


Dovilė Dilienė
Director of Academy of Creative Technologies

Dr. N. Večkienė
Rector of Kaunas
university of the third age

V. Skaržinskienė
Dean of the Faculty of Culture MČTAU

15:00 – 15:15

Coffee break


15:15 – 15:45

Questions and reflections

Dr. Jurgita Rotomskienė

15:45 – 16:15

Pleasant mind exercise

Dr. Jurgita Rotomskienė

End of the program at 16:15. All times are in Lithuanian time (UTC+2). Difference f. ex. to Central European time (UTC+1) is +1 hour.

We keep the right for any changes in the program and all changes will be updated at this page


You can join our meeting free of charge.

To get the invitation link for Zoom and other information before the meeting, please registrate yourself here.

Registration periode ended on the 31st of May.


Jurgita Rotomskiene
Dr. Jurgita Rotomskienė

Dr. Jurgita Rotomskienė, the dean of the Faculty of Politics and Economics in Medardas Čobotas university of the third age (MČTAU). She joined the university in 2018.

Education - Doctor of Physics.

She headed the mortgage register of the Republic of Lithuania, later led a Norwegian capital company in setting up a debtor administration system.
Laima Tuleikienė
Ms Laima Tuleikienė
Ms Laima Tuleikienė, project manager of Medardas Čobotas university of the third age (MČTAU). She joined the university in 2017. Throughout professional career she had been working in public administration institutions of the Government of Lithuania having responsibilities directly linked to Public administration reforms, Human resources management in civil service and development of the information and knowledge society.
Aldona Reksniene
Ms Aldona Reksniene

Ms Aldona Reksniene, vice-rector for education and international relations of the Medardas Cobotas TAU since 2012. During all professional career since 1969 she has worked in the field of education teaching English Phonetics and Phonology to university and college students. 

She is interested in the efforts of world communities to improve older adults accessibility to new information technologies and ways to promote older adults' active participation in society, improve social contacts, well-being and active ageing. 

Ovidijus GabrenasMr Ovidijus Gabrenas

Mr Ovidijus Gabrenas is a member of the MCTAU since 2019 and Information Technologies faculty dean of the MCTAU since 2020. In his professional career he worked in the system of state information technologies, their development, installation, administration and supervision.

Ovidijus Gabrenas has special interests in enhancing older adults’ digital literacy, improving their competitiveness in the use of new IT, in encouraging a better interaction between the ageing groups.
Loreta Štelbienė
Dr. Loreta Štelbienė

Dr. Loreta Štelbienė

Loreta Štelbienė joined the MCTAU in 2019.

Throughout professional career she worked as a researcher at Vilnius University, as a manager in international companies and in municipality of Moletai. Last 15 years she worked as an andragogic / adult educator and participated in various international projects.

Loreta KrizinauskieneMs Loreta Krizinauskiene

Ms Loreta Krizinauskiene started her professional carrier in early 1980-ies as a teacher. In 2002 Loreta has been invited to join private business initiative association Langas I Ateiti (Window to the Future) in the position of Managing Director and up till now is still there. Langas i Ateiti is a Society modernization initiative launched by private business companies in 2002. Its mission is to promote the use of internet in Lithuania encourage society to use e-services and in this way stimulate the growth of the standard of living, as well as Lithuania’s competitive ability among European and World countries. Main fields of activities – free Public Internet Access Points and ICT training projects using private business and EU funds. For successful implementation of society ICT training projects Langas I Ateiti has become a winner of numerous awards in the country and EU.

Dovile Diliene

Dovile Diliene

Current CEO and strategist at bit&Byte creative technology academy, former Project Manager at Invest Lithuania program “Create Lithuania”, curious creator, MBA studies. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä