Rules and regulations in Inari Municipality preliminary- and upper secondary school

Rules and regulations in Inari Municipality preliminary- and upper secondary schools


1 Purpose and application of rules and regulations

The purpose of these rules and regulations is to support the internal order of the school, and providing a safe, comfortable and disturbance-free school environment.

These rules and regulations are valid when the student participates to education according to curriculum or other scheme arranged by the organizer of education. Rules and regulations apply when in school or participating to school arranged activities outside the school. These must be followed for example on school trips and when participating on school organized learning at work-period.


2 Student’s rights and responsibilities

Equality among students, and other rights

All students are equal.

All students have the right for equal treatment, personal freedom, immunity and privacy.

No-one is to be categorized according to gender, age, origin, language, religion or belief, opinion, state of health, disability, or other reason based on their person.  

Students are to be treated equally as individuals, and they must be given a possibility to influence on matters regarding them on level according to their age.

The students have the right to get education on all school working days, a right to safe school environment and to all other services and privileges defined by the law.

Our schools follow 1) plan to protect students from violence, teasing and disturbance approved by the organizer of education and 2) plan of equality.

Student responsibilities

The children are to participate in compulsory education according to the regulation of age, or until the syllabus of preliminary school has been completed.

The student must complete their tasks carefully and behave appropriately.

When absent from school, explanation must be given.

3 Safety, comfortability and disturbance-free studying

Good behaviour

Good behaviour includes considering others around you, giving and respecting the peace to work and study, greeting others, following the rules and good table manners.

Students must arrive to classes in time. Also other agreed timelines must be followed.

Everyone is to proceed peaceful and comfortable working environment.

Students must dress appropriately when in school. This includes dressing accordingly to different lessons, and to not dress in a way that can be offensive or against good manners.

On school grounds

Students must leave to recess as soon as the lesson ends. Recess/break must be spent on the school area.

Everyone is to take care of tidiness and school environment.

School property, study materials and own belongings are to be taken care of.

Everyone must respect the property of others.

To keep up common tidiness, everyone must take care not to clutter or make any kind of mess.

If damage is made, the person responsible for damage must compensate for repairs.

If a safety endangering defect or deficiency that is noticed, it must be reported to principal, or a member of school personnel.


On lessons, breaks and in all school activities one must behave in a way, that does not endanger anyone’s safety.

If a safety endangering defect or deficiency that is noticed, it must be reported to principal, or a member of school personnel.

All means of transport (bicycles etc.) must be stored in the marked areas.

Computers, phones and other mobile devices

School owned computers, mobile phones and other mobile devices, internet and school’s network must be used to study-related things only. If agreed separately, mobile devices can be used during lessons or other school activities.

It is forbidden to use mobile devices during lessons or other school activities if it disturbs the lesson.

Intoxicants and dangerous substances

Every level of education will follow the current legislation. Basic education act includes for example the following disciplinary measures and other consequences: cleaning obligation, educational discussion, detention and ordering to stay and complete homework at school.

Basic education – and upper secondary school acts include the following means of disciplinary measures: order to leave school premises, declining participation, written warning and temporary dismissal. Upper secondary school pupil can be dismissed from housing temporarily, or for the remaining duration of studies.

Principal and teachers have the right to remove a student that does not follow the order of eviction. Teachers and principal have the right to inspect students belongings. Principal or teachers can seize items that are disturbing, or considered dangerous.

Principal and teachers are obligated to report all acts of teasing, disturbance or violence happened at school, or on the way to school. Report will be made to guardians or other legal representatives of the student involved.