Interview with Ari Toropainen Iitin lukio

Interviewers: What is your name?
Finnish Principal: Ari Toropainen

I: What is your school name?
FP: Iitin lukio

I: How was your trip from Finnland to Poland?

FP: I traveled from Helsinki to Copenhagen and from Copenhagen to Poznań, it is a very short trip and all went well.

I: The four topics of Comenius are tolerance, equality, respect and well being. Which changes did these four topics do at your school?

FP: The topic of tolerance changed a lot, so the students learned to tolerate each other and as so as the people from other countries. The respect for their own school system changed as well, because the students were able to experience the school systems of other countries and started to respect their own a little more.

I:What will you really change from the list?

FP: I would like to have a good library with many computers. Also what I like is the respect for the school and between the students.
The idea of teamwork is my favourite one. This is a very good strategy of learning how to deal with a group. That's very useful for the students.

I: What will be difficult to fulfill?

FP: The new computer system is the hardest issue to solve, because of the money that we don't have.
Another difficulty would be to put the teamwork into practice. This is a completely new way of thinking.
Next there is a point of the close relations between teachers and the students. The second ones may not notice the border in such contacts and loose their respect for the tutors.

I: Which change would you prefer about the comenius project?

FP: I wouldn't change anything. Firstly, because it would be hard to change the system and secondly because it is a good one.
The Comenius project is all good and has many advantages, for example getting to know new people, their countries and cultures...

I: Will you miss comenius project?

FP: No because we actually planned to apply for a new one. In my opinion it is a very good team and very good realtion between the countries and the headmasters.

I: What is your plan after ruling the school?

FP: I have only five years to retiring and then I will do my passions and a bit of work. I will travel and watch the nature. Especially I will go around Europe, for example to Germany in order to do some biking tours, after that I will go to Great Britan because they have many opportunities to hike.
I will also travel to Poland because the journey is not so long and the country is still developing, this is what I like about it..

I: Thank you for the interview.

FP: No, problem. See you at lunch time.