Schulleitertreffen Ungarn 27.-30.9.2013

Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer

Gergely Pásztor (Ungarn)
Agata Gutorska (Polen)
Gerrit Ulmke (Deutschland)
Ari Toropainen (Finnalnd), virtuell!!

Ari Toropainen (Finnland) konnte aufgrund von Verpflichtungen im Abitur leider nicht da sein, Dank der modernen Technik war er zumindest virtuell dabei. Glenice Robinson (UK) ist seit dem Sommer im Ruhestand, beim nächsten Projekttreffen in West Kirby wird die neue Schulleiterin bzw. der neue Schulleiter der West Kirby Grammar School zum ersten mal teilnehmen.

Principles meet in Dabas (from left to right; Agata Gutorska - Polish, Gerrit Ulmke - German, Gergely Pásztor - Hungarian, Ari Toropainen - Finnish)

We had the opportunity to ask the principles a few questions during their skype meeting, we asked them what they thought about the project meeting here in Hungary, and also asked about any plans for the future.

What do you think about the project meeting here in Hungary?

Hungary is a very interesting place, and we are constantly surprised and flattered with the hospitality shown to us. There is a nice atmosphere at the project meeting, and it is much better than a tourist trip as you meet the people and immerse yourself in the culture. We would like to thank the school as the meeting has been so well organised and everything has run smoothly.

Any plans for the future?

We are hoping to plan a project together focusing on natural sciences, such as maths, biology, physics etc. There is also a plan in progress for a historical project, which we hope to finalize soon. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä