Mrs A Duffy, West Kirby Grammar School

What is your name?
Alison Duffy

What is the name of your school?
West Kirby Grammar School

How do you promote the Wellbeing of the students and teachers in your school?
Well I’m new here, I just started here in January. But what we’re doing really is looking at wellbeing and some of the issues that the students have faced and some for the stresses and we’re trying to put in a programme to support student so if they getting stressed for exams there’s help. If they get stressed because of issues outside of school, with relationships we have the learning Mentors, so there assisting in place.

Which country, in your opinion, serves the best school meals? (and why?)
(laughs) Well, my last school was in Wales and we had a healthy school meal there and here it’s good. I do not know about your country and what you eat for the school meals. I think in this country, England and Wales everybody is more conscious about having a balanced diet, so we have salads, and lots of vegetables, fruit and we are trying to get people more aware of how they eat.

How has education in your country changed since you were at school? (Is it for the better?)
Its far more child focused now. When I was on school basically we had to sit down, shut up and get on with it, you know they didn’t really give you any guide or some support it was very much down to us, and now we try and give as much support as we can to students. But also the subjects that we teach is much boarder. My background is Art and Design. When I was at school we did not do design technology or have workshops and things like that, it was very much traditional painting and drawing. I think also IT is changing the way we teach. Oh yes, it is much for the better.

How do you encourage your students to have respect and tolerance for each other?
There is a PSHE programme, which is people thinking not only of themselves but different cultures. In assembly’s we talk about tolerance, we talk about expectations and our community and also I think leading from the top it is how I respect pupils and I expect them to respect teachers and each other. I think the ethos is really important.

If you could paint your school in one colour, which colour would it be?
A happy one! Sunshine! I think when you walk into the school it is very calm but it is also a very positive place which is nice.

What is the best technology in education?
Interactively as a tool. Here we are wanting to develop IT, I want to use a lot more handheld devices so there can be much more interaction. You are really used to using your phone, maybe laptop or iPad. My vision is to have this school so it is up to date with the latest gadgets and handheld devices so it can be far more interactive and used as a tool.

What makes a good school?
People really, it is much about people and relationships and how they work together. Also opportunities and I think this school is great at providing opportunities for pupils and opening their eyes to what’s available. Not just universities, but also apprenticeships and life beyond school. I think that it is trying to find what makes students tick and get them involved in things and get them excited.

What is the purpose of Comenius project?
I think it is again about relationships and building bridges across the world, making sure that young people can share their views, opinions and learn from each other. They get a better understanding, really of other people’s cultures and hopefully lifelong friendships. I think it is a brilliant project.

Thank you! Nice to meet you!
Bye! Nice to meet you too!