Workshop 4 - Wordbox - János Talabér

Workshop 4 -Wordbox Ungarn

This project embraces human colorfulness and equality, since we will be collecting the words of the nations in order to see and observe the colorfulness of the selected vocabulary. Nevertheless, by taking a glance at the differences of the vocabulary, we will be able to learn each others’ culture and the structure of the language, thus, we will be familiar with the social backgrounds of the nations. Creating the crossword puzzle by using the words of the nations, and therefore letting the reader ponder about the puzzle and ask all the participating nations for help will show the need for mutual help and cooperation, since the puzzle could only be solved if all the participants add their words to the columns. Moreover, it is needless to emphasize that making a calendar with the words of the participating nations will doubtlessly represent the equality and colorfulness of the human mankind.

WORDBOX: In this workshop we will be doing the following activities:

Activity One
As requested before, we will be collecting interesting words from each language (I hope each member has already handed in some words) and by observing their pronunciation, clinging and intonation we will anticipate the meaning of the word. After this, we will arrange them in order.
Activity Two
By collecting words again, we will be creating a pun about them. We will be making a crossword puzzle in which we’ll place the words from each language and the only way to solve the puzzle is if all the members take part in figuring the words out. That’ll be fun!
Activity Three
We will arrange the words we’ve collected into a calendar and create a calendar full of the words of the participating nations. We will also collect photos from the Net so as to decorate our 2014 calendar!
Activity four
The stairs up to the fourth floor have already been colorfully painted. We are supposed to put words on them. So we will be given the letters (stickers) and be gluing them (e.g. the words) on the stairs. That’ll be also something!
So dear participants! Welcome to our school! And do not forget to stay tuned!

Interview mit Pauline Pichler

Erzähl mir bitte über dich, und über dieses Programm!

- Ich bin Pauline, ich bin 15 Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Deutschland, aus Frankfurt. Ich hab' schon an einem anderen Comenius Programm teilgenommen, es war sehr interessant. Wir machen verschieden Themas,daran arbeiten wir, unser Thema ist z.B.: ein Kreuzworträtsel zum thema Gleichberechtigung.

Erzähl mir bitte über deines Workshop, was macht ihr?

- Wir müssen aus verschiedenen Ländern Wörter suchen, was in den Kreuzworträtsel passen. Es wird an der Abschlussceremony vorgeführt.

Gefällt dir unsere Schule?

- Dieses Schulgebäude gefällt mir sehr, es ist ordentlich eingerichtet, die zimmer sind sauber. Außerdem gefallen mir die zimmer, die zu den verschiedenen fächer eingerichtet sind. z.B.: in den englischen Räumen finden wir englische Sachen, und in den deutschen Räumen finden wir deutsche Sachen.

Danke für die Interview!

Marta, Csabi, Karesz. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä