Workshop 1 - Theater - Chloe Bagnall, Layla Dowie, Barbara Abai

Workshop 1 - Physical Theatre (Körpertheater), what do they do ?

At Thursday the group began their workshop with different kind of exercises, which were supposed to make the pupils feel more comfortable. The pupils did a variety of trust exercises, e.g the one in which you fall backwards and someone grab you, maybe...

At Friday the workshop got properly to action. When we arrived to the workshop, all the pupils were hopping in the rhythm of music in lines of three persons. After a while, when the hopping was practiced to its best, the pupils formed pairs, and one group of three. They were given a task; each group had to make up a sequence of 12 moves "relating to round by through". The plan was, that the groups repeat these sequences over and over again, like in a loop.

The physical theatre is about using your body in variety of ways. One of the things in physical theatre is to make contact, both physical and mental, with the others. That makes the performances atmosphere more intimate and makes the performance much more interesting to watch.

When we were watching the action in the workshop from the side, we saw influences of many different thing used by the pupils. We saw for example methods of ballet, modern dancing, fighting etc. being used.

The overall look of the workshop seemed nice and worm, and all the students seemed to have fun. :) In Sunday we'll see what they have came up with... ;)

Workshop 1 - Physical Theatre (Körpertheater)

Physical Theatre (Körpertheater)
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler befassen sich mit unterschiedlichen Techniken, um die Themen Toleranz und Gleichberechtigung zu erkunden. Ziel ist es, Bewegungssicherheit und Kooperation zu erlernen und die Bereitschaft zu kreative Risiken aufzubauen.
Der Workshop bietet Schülerinnen und Schülern praktische Erfahrung, ihre Fähigkeiten im Bereich Performance und Bewegung zu erweitern.
Um Spass, Tempo und Energie freien Lauf zu lassen, sollten die Teilnehmer bequeme Kleidung tragen.

Physical Theatre
Students will engage in devising a range of techniques to explore the themes of Tolerance and Equality. Aimed at promoting physical confidence, collaboration and creative risk-taking, this workshop will address key skills required for students to enhance their abilities in the areas of performance and movement.
Fun, fast-paced and highly energetic, it is important that participants wear comfortable clothing to move freely in.

The leader of the workshop

Name: Ms. Layla Dowie

Age: 33

Nationality: English

Teacher of: Drama

Hobbies: Walking the dog, camping and music

Differences between Hungary and England: Architecture

Differences between schools: School more 'homely' in Hungary, has a more welcoming feel to it and the atmosphere is less stressful.

Motto: 'Enjoy, be happy, and make others happy'.

Comments about the trip: 'The trip is very inspirational, it makes you reflect on school, student experience and the working environment'.

Co leader of the workshop

Name: Ms. Chloe Bagnall

Age: 27

Nationality: English

Teacher of: Geography

Hobbies: Swimming, going to the gym and travelling.

Differences between Hungary and England: Hungary is flat, and the weather in Hungary is more extreme and varied.

Differences between the schools: In West Kirby, most students are girls, and the building in Hungary is more modern.

Motto: 'Live for the moment'.

Comments about the trip: 'I'm enjoying the trip to Hungary, meeting new friends and learning about different cultures'.

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