Greetings from Frankfurt!

It was a great pleasure to be allowed to visit in Helmholtzschule in Frankfurt. There were two students and a teacher of us visiting there in five days in May 2014. We’re pleased to enjoy the hospitality of all the people we met. Comenius-coordinator Mr. Munch and chemistry teacher Mrs. Luca kindly drove me around the city and took me for a lunch or a dinner several times. I also had a very special dinner with Mrs. Rensing-Grüter and her daughter eating traditional german food. With Mrs. Luca we also visited one museum of art in exhibition Esprit Montmartre. With the students and their hosts we also walked a lot in the city and visited Dom, Römerberg, Main Tower, Zeil and so on.

During the school days students followed their hosts in their lessons and I took part of the science, mathematics and English lessons. I was also pleased to have many very interesting conversations with all the teachers, from the differences of our school system and the society in general. We were also taken to a tour in hr-station, the main tv and radio station in Hessen. This tour was extremely interesting and we are grateful of the experiment.

I recommend these kind of visits to everyone if possible. I learned a lot about teaching in different cultures and the country in common. I would take part a Comenius exchange in anytime! Thanks to everyone who made this possible.

Eija Koivuniemi, math and science teacher käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä