Workshop 2 Comenius-Changes B Abai


Das Wohlbefinden ist vielleicht der wichtigste Faktor, der die Lernwirksamkeit der Schüler bestimmt. Die Leistungen werden immer besser und erfolgsreicher, wenn man sich in seiner Lernklima wohl fühlt. Aus diesem Grund wird unser Workshop die Erfahrungen der Comenius-Teilnehmer im Zusammenhang mit Wohlbefinden sammeln und bewerten. Unser Ziel ist einerseits die Begründung der Einsetzung von den gesammelten praktischen Ideen.
Andererseits möchten wir diese Ideen in einer kreativen Form präsentieren, die wir als eines der Endprodukte des Comeniusprojektes betrachten möchten.


Well-being is maybe the most important factor which affects the efficiency of the learning prosess. The learnenrs’ achievements are continually getting better and more successful if one feels well in the learning environment. For this reason, our workshop will collect and evaluate the Comenius particants’ experiences in connection with well-being. Our main goal is, on one hand, the foundation of the deployment of the collected practical ideas.
On the other hand, we would like to present these ideas in a creative form which we consider as one of the endproducts of the Comenius Project.


In the second Workshop the attenders are going to deal with the notions that pupils have made during the Comenius-trips. First the pupils in the Workshop made up a plan, in which they collect the most important things the pupils have noticed on their trips. The plan is for their final product, which I guess will be some kind of an aggregation and analysis, which is about the changes pupils would like to make to their, or each others' schools. The leader of Workshop 2, Barbara Abai from Hungary, said that they'll also make a little before/after -Comenius project, in which they'll e.g. show, that Comenius isn't just a waste of time; many have for example got new friends from different parts of the Europe, even as far North as from Finland!

Interview time!

We interviewed two students from the Workshop, and here's what they said:

Names: Lili Farkas (on the left) & Rebeka Kecskés (on the right)

Ages: 17 (both)

Nationalities: Hungarian (both)
"Our school is smaller."

What is different between Hungary and Poland?
"We think the cultures are actually pretty similar, so nothing to mention really."

What do you think about your Workshop?
"We think it's nice. It's very interesting because you get to learn new things from the other schools, so you can compare differences between the schools."

Thank you, no wait, was it köszönöm?
"No problem, and yes it was. :)"