Service maintenance and update breaks

Maintenance breaks timing and principles offers an online service with minimal amount of service breaks. However, some maintenance breaks may be necessary every now and then to develope the service.

The following principles are applied when updating and maintaining the service:

  1. In case of an unexpected error or problem occurs in service, necessary corrections and improvements are made as soon as possible.
  2. If the service faces a serious information security threath, all the necessary measures will be executed at once without any further notice.
  3. All the major updates that impact the service usage for more than couple minutes will take place every months' second Tuesday afternoon starting at 3.30 p.m. Users will be notified in advance. These kind of updates include updating the servers' operating systems or adding new features to service that require edits in back-end system.
  4. Small updates that have no impact or may only cause the service work a bit slower are executed on Tuesday mornings at 8.00-8.15 a.m. The users will be notified afterwards if the updates include changes that users should be aware of. These kind of updates include new features or corrections into service.
  5. Minor updates that will not effect the system usage can be published at any time, but usually at 8.00-8.15 a.m. The users will be notified afterwards if the updates include changes that users should be aware of. These kind of updates include only small corrections to service that won't affect users.

Notifying the users

In case of if an upcoming service maintenance break will have an impact to service usage, the information about service maintenance break can be found in logging page. notifies users also in Twitter and Facebook pages, which can be found here:

Should the maintenance break cause some problems, Twitter is used to bulletin. Twitter is the main information channel between customers and developers also during the long service breaks when service cannot be used to notifying the customers.