Workshop 2 - Wohlbefinden und Bewegung - V. Kirst, Ch. Martino, L. Alinen

Wohlbefinden durch Bewegung

Welchen Einfluss hat Bewegung auf den Lernprozess in der Schule?

Aufgabe und Ziel des Workshops:
• die Teilnehmer des Workshops arbeiten gemeinsam eine 3 bis 5-minütige Bewegungs-Choreograhie aus, die jederzeit und überall im Unterricht angewendet werden kann
• die Umsetzung dieser Bewegungs-Choreographie soll durch das Erstellen eines Animationsvideos erleichtert werden
• dieses Bewegungsvideo wird durch die Teilnehmer des Workshops gedreht und mit ihnen als Protagonisten gefüllt

Das erstellte Bewegungsvideo findet man hier: Kleine Version (.mp4 ca. 95 MB) und hier Originalversion (.mov ca. 600 MB) .


First Day

Workshop 2 – Wellbeing and Movement

Task: Make a video of 3-5 minutes to animate pupils to move in classrooms or whereever.

Why: To “wake up” the students during lessons, they collect ideas how to bring them back mentally.

How: Dancing !!!

Harlem Shake
Gangnam Style
Calm Down Dances


The workshop is thinking about a storyline. Afterwards they add music to their act. An idea
for example is that they have a math curse and a boy is mentally absent. In the classroom it starts ticking, additionally the music starts playing in the backround and everyone starts dancing...

After lunch the workshop is searching for some musictitles in the computerroom and organize
everything so that they can start making the records at saturday. They already made an short example
in the classroom how it can be. But let's wait for their coming work!!!

Final Day of work

Today is the second day for the Workshops. The Workshop 2 are practicing their act. Their act takes place in the classroom. At the end of the day they want to present their final and completed act. It will be recorded, which will also be shown in Today's task is finding some music titles and also to perfection their dance. On the left side of this page you can see also some, to be precise three, pictures where they are preparing and prac- ticising. Be prepared to see the, I hope not embarrasing, video of the Workshop 2.