
Lauseenvastikkeet (=Shortened sentences)

- tuovat tiiviyttä ja vaihtelua lauserakenteisiin
- tärkeitä tunnistaa tekstistä, vaikket itse niitä käyttäisikään
(jotta ymmärrät ja osaat suomentaa rakenteen oikein)

Kun sivulause lyhenee lauseenvastikkeeksi, tapahtuu seuraavaa…


When I met you, I fell in love. > Meeting you, I fell in love. ("Tavatessani...")

- verbi ING-muotoon
- subjekti pois (jos sama kuin päälauseessa!)
- konjunktio /pronomini pois (yleensä, paitsi jos tapahtumien
aikajärjestys sekoaa ilman sitä)

When he was taken home, he fell asleep. > Taken home, he fell asleep. ("Kotiin vietäessä...")

- verbin 3. muoto (ilman BE-verbiä)
- subjekti pois (kuten aktiivissa)
- konjunktio / pronomini pois (yleensä, kuten aktiivissa)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jos muunnettava sivulause on aikamuodoltaan perfekti tai pluskvamperfekti:

perfekti + pluskvamperfekti > HAVING + 3. muoto
After they had found him, they called his parents. > Having found him they called…

perfekti + pluskvamperfekti >  HAVING BEEN + 3. muoto
After we had been robbed, we called the police > (Having been) robbed, we called … ["Tultuamme ryöstetyiksi..."]


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Muuta sivulauseet lauseenvastikkeiksi. Täydennä puuttuvat osat!
(voit vastata pienillä tai ISOILLA kirjaimilla; jätä mahdollinen PISTE pois)

1. WHEN I STARTED at my new job, I had no idea what to do.
at my new job, I had no idea what to do. ["Aloittaessani..."]

2. People WHO LIVE IN THE COUNTRY often have to travel longer distances to get to school.
People often have to travel longer distances to get to school.

3. English and French are the two official languages THAT ARE SPOKEN in Canada.
English and French are the two official languages in Canada.

4. Human bones WHICH WERE FOUND in Africa were at least 100,000 years old.
Human bones in Africa were at least 100,000 years old.

5. AFTER I HAD EATEN, I decided to take a short walk.
, I decided to take a short walk. W

6. BECAUSE I WANTED to spend time with my friends, I decided not to read for the test.
to spend time with my friends, I decided not to read for the test.

7. ALTHOUGH IT WAS SENT from the USA, the shirt arrived in two weeks.
from the USA, the shirt arrived in two weeks. ["Vaikka se lähetettiin..."]

8. I worked hard last summer AND MADE enough money for a trip to Denmark.
I worked hard last summer, enough money for a trip to Denmark.

9. AS I LOOKED out of the window, I could see the sun rising.
out of the window, I could see the sun rising. ["Katsoessani..."]

10. I checked that I had switched off the lights BEFORE I LOCKED THE DOOR.
I checked that I had switched off the lights .

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Muunnostehtävä (sivulause > lauseenvastike)

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Muunna sivulauseet lauseenvastikkeiksi. Älä kirjoita koko virkettä, vaan pelkkä sivulause lauseenvastikkeena!

1. When I came home, I saw something by the door.

2. Because it had been left in front of the door, I saw it instantly.

3. When I took it in my hands, I felt a bit nervous.

4. Once I was standing inside, I took a closer look at what it was.

5. The package, which was wrapped in white paper, was rather big.

6. When I read the card, I noticed a scent of jasmines.

7. Although it had been stored in a box for a while, the bouquet of white jasmines was still lovely.

8. As I put the flowers in a vase and smiled, I felt the whole room light up.

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