

The two conjunctions exercises in red are homework.
Don't forget to keep an eye on the DRIVE document for this course.

9.2 Conjunctions 001 LINK  
9.2 Conjunctions 002 LINK  
9.2 'S or OF (GramRules)    
7.2 MAKE v DO LINK  
4.2 2020 and 2021 writing topics LINK  
3.2 Articles    
3.2 Tiivistelmä LINK  
2.2 Science listening (En5)    
2.2 Translation exercise (Trivial pursuit)    
1.2 Indirect speech LINK  
1.2 Feedback LINK  
31.1 Number+unit adjective sheet    
31.1 Tiivistelmä theory    
28.1 Argumentative essay LINK  
28.1 Quantity-in-an-adjective (En>Fin) LINK  
27.1 More plural - those tricky exceptions! p101-5    
26.1 indirect questions (En>Fin) LINK  
26.1 To + perusmuoto, perusmuoto, -ing -muoto LINK  
25.1 Niin > SUCH vai SO    
25.1 Articles + geographical places - exercise LINK  
24.1 Relative pronouns (GramRules)    
24.1 Articles + geographical places ABs    
21.1 Passive ABs + Passive slides LINK  
21.1 Test on Friday on Education words LINK   
20.1 A quick look at unusual PLURALS LINK  
20.1 Lauseenvastikkeet - p228-232 Exs (GramRules) --  
20.1 Lauseenvastikkeet - PowerPoint LINK  
19.1 Idiom Questions (p8) LINK  
19.1 Conjunctions and linking words - Exs LINK  
18.1 Long English essay guidelines (p15) LINK  
18.1 Conjunctions and linking words - GramRules    
18.1 Conjunctions and linking words - handout LINK   
17.1 "muita prepositioilmauksia" p249-251 LINK   
14.1 idioms - pages 6+7  LINK  
14.1 prepositions of place (part 2) LINK   
13.1 prepositions of place (part 1) LINK   
13.1 prepositions of time LINK   
13.1 idioms - pages 4+5 LINK  
12.1 idioms - page 3 LINK  
12.1 kansallisuussanat LINK  
12.1 2. konditionaali    
11.1 1. konditionaali    
11.1 0. konditionaali    
11.1 Common mistakes    
11.1 idioms - pages 1+2 LINK  

Tuesday 11th January

CLASSWORK 1: We looked at the sheet with the common mistakes.
CLASSWORK 2: We looked at idioms (pages 1 and 2).
CLASSWORK 3: We also did the "0" and 1st conditional.
HOMEWORK: We will have a test on THIS (En>Fi) on Thursday

Monday 10th January
CLASSWORK 1: We thought about the course together.
CLASSWORK 2: Then we did THIS listening (AUDIO BELOW).