
Monday: 8.10 - 9.25
Tuesday 9.35 - 10.50 
Thursday 8.10 - 9.25

Week 1:
6.4 Monday: No class
7.4 Tuesday: Introduction (meet at 10 am on Google Meet for 30 min):
readings: The General History of Virginia by John Smith; Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford
9.4 Thursday: No meeting today
Readings: The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson and The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano  

Week 2
13.4 Monday: No class Easter Monday
14.4 Tuesday:Meet at 9.35 - Socrative quiz on the General History, Plymouth Plantation, Declaration of Independence and Olaudah Equiano
1) Watch this video on slavery
Take notes while you watch it on Classroom

From the Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin, From Letters from an American Farmer by Crèvecoeur
Last paragraph of this page

16.4 Thursday:  Meet at 8.45 Unit 6 Vocabulary quiz Socrative: , Grammar p. 208-18, NoRedInk site.

Week 3
20.4 Monday:(NO CLASS) Readings

Spirituals: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Go Down, Moses p. 530-534 

Listen to Go Down Moses

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

My Bondage and my Freedom by Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) p. 519. 

Second Inaugural Address by Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Reading time: 3 minutes (700 words)

21.4 Tuesday: Class: reading quiz on 

  • Ben Franklin
  • Crèvecoeur
  • Spirituals
  • Frederick Douglas
  • Abraham Lincoln
    New texts to start reading: 
    See Google Slide
    1) Edgar Allen Poe
    2) Ambrose Bierce
    3) Jack London

23.4 Thursday: Meet at 9.15Unit 7 vocabulary quiz. NoRedInk is due, Grammar Rules p. 218-230

Week 4
27.4 Monday: NO MEET: DO the three texts: on Google Slides
28.4 Tuesday: NO MEET: do the three texts on Google Slides
30.4 Thursday: MEET: 8.45
Unit 8 quiz, grammar, p. 230.245 . Give new assignment on Willa Cather, A Wagner Matinée

Week 5
4.5 Monday: No class
5.5 Tuesday: MEET AT 9.35 - go in depth into Wagner Matinée and introduce the Ice Palace
7.5 Thursday: Meet at 8.45 Unit 9 quiz, Grammar p. 245- 264

Week 6
11.5 Monday: Makeup quizzes at 9.00 Unit 8, Unit 7
12.5 Tuesday: Online class
14.5 Thursday: Unit 10 quiz, check grammar

Week 7
18.5 Monday: Makeup quizzes, reading quizzes
19.5 Tuesday: prep for Final: In class do Martin Luther King, Jr. assignment

22.5 FINAL EXAM: Exam includes Grammar from Grammar Rules and Readings



Grammar exercises 10% (all four)
Vocabulary quizzes 15% (all five)
Reading 1  10%
Reading 2. 10%
5 stories (Google forms) 30%
Final exam 25%