9.9. : IMPERFEKTI, Chapter 2


We form groups of 4 and you have 5 tasks to complete!

Form the groups and decide who is student A, B, C, and D.

You can decide the order in which you complete the tasks, but they all must be done at 16.10 the latest. You have ~20min for each task.

Each task has an element that needs to be submitted to peda.net by one of the students in the group. Read the instructions carefully and ask Sarra if something is unclear!
If I don't get a submission to peda.net from a group on any task, the members need to do the task at home for Tuesday as part of their homework.

You can find the instructions to the tasks here below, but here's a short list of what they are:
1. Grammar
: check the Yleisimperfekti homeworks from Tuesday and study Kestoimperfekti with Sarra
2. Text Can you lose a language you never knew: read out loud in turns and do exercises 2d p.16 and 2.2+2.3 p.145
3. Irregular verbs: Form sentences in present tense (Preesens) and past tense (Imperfekti) using irregular verbs.
4. Listening comprehension: ex. 2e
5. Find a news article and spot sentences.

ex. 25 p.230 + Irregular verbs G-R (test on Tuesday!)

Groups (Student A submits the answers here)

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Name of group

Student A

Student B

Student C

Student D

What task will you do first?

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

1. Grammar

A: take time (20min)
B: post sentences here
C: concentrate on the task
D: concentrate on the task

  • Show your homework (Grammar 1, Imperfekti, ex. 16, 17, 20, 21) to Sarra, check answers to ex.21 on board
  • Look through the Kestoimperfekti slides with Sarra + ex. 23 with partner + all together
  • Do ex. 24 on p. 229 together, student B adds the sentences to the task folder here

Exercise 24

Copy your sentences here
  • Palauta merkintä

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

2. Text

A: concentrate on the task
B: take time (20min)
C: record + post the file here
D: concetrate on the task

  • Find "Puheentallennus" program from your laptop, test how it works and how you are able to save a recording to your laptop and find it there.
  • Student C records the group reading text 2 out loud in turns and posts the recording here
  • Do exercises 2d p.16 and 2.2+2.3 p.145 (Vocabulary Revision) - these will be checked on Tuesday

3. Irregular verbs

A: concentrate on the task
B: concentrate on the task
C: take time (20min)
D: post sentences here

  • Find the list of irregular verbs from the book.
  • Form sentences with irregular verbs
    • 2 sentences in present simple (yleispreesens, p.210-212)
    • 2 sentences in present continuous (kestopreesens, p.216-218)
    • 2 sentences in simple past tense (yleismperfekti, p.222-224)
    • 2 sentences in past continuous (kestoimperfekti, p.228-229)
    • 4 negative sentences in either present or past tense, simple or continuous
    • 4 questions in either present or past tense, simple or continuous
  • Student D posts the group's sentences here


Post 16 sentences here
  • Palauta merkintä

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

4. Listening comprehension

A: post sentences here
B: play the exercise to the group
C: concetrate on the task
D: take time (20 min)

  • Do ex. 2e (New Insights -> 2. Can you lose a language you never knew? -> Exercises)

Copy sentences here

  • Palauta merkintä

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

5. News article

A: post a link to the news article + the sentences here
B: take time (20min)
C: concentrate on the task
D: concentrate on the task

  • Find a news article in English from one of these news sites posted in flinga last time: The Sun, BBC, The Mirror, Daily mail, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The guardian, Huffpost, Washington post, Reuters, Abc News, Fox news
  • Try to find examples of the following sentence types:
    • 4 sentences in the present tense, either simple or continuous (preesens, p.209: yleispreesens + kestopreesens)
    • 4 sentences in the past tense, either simple or continuous (imperfekti, s. 221: yleismperfekti + kestoimperfekti)
    • 4 negative sentences in either present or past tense, simple or continuous
    • 4 questions in either present or past tense, simple or continuous
  • If you can't find enough examples of these sentences, write down ANY sentence instead, highlight the verb, and try to recognise the tense (aikamuoto)!
  • Write the sentences down for yourself and highlight the verb (use bold for highlighting)
  • Student A posts a link to your news article + copies the sentences with highlighted verbs here


Post 16 sentences here with the verb highlighted
  • Palauta merkintä

Sinulla ei ole tarvittavia oikeuksia lähettää mitään.

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