The First Day, Arrival

The day began quite early. We had to leave from the schooln at 4.15 in the morning so we could catch out flight. The flight left at 7.50, but we had to be there earlier, because of check-in. The flight took about two hours. Because it was my first time flying I was a bit nervous. Luckily everything went well and flying turned out to be very nice. After arriving and getting our backs, we had a bit of trouble with getting our train tickets- We didn't miss our train and we arrived right on time to Lübeck. On the train station we met the Polish. It was nice to see some of them again. I was suprised that some of them remembered my name, and I theirs, because we hadn't talked a lot.

After arriving to Lübecks train staition we had to walk for about twenty minutes in rain to the school. When we got there we still had time left before meeting the Germans, so we went to eat to a hamburger resturant near the school. After meeting the Germans we had the rest of the day free and I went to "home" with my host, Lars.

We took a bus to get there. First we waited for it for 20 minutes and after that we sat in the bus for another 20 minutes. My home for the week was in a nice village. At home I got my own room. It was a nice change, concidering that I have to share my room at home.

Rest of the day I spend resting and eating. I also met my host's mother and brother. They both were nice and later in the evening I took a short walk around the village with the mother.

I also learned that in Germany you get Mineral water with gas, opposed to Finland where you usually get it gasless. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä