Lübeck, Germany

The Arrival

Our plane landed in Germany at around ten o'clock. Then we went to take the train from Hamburg to Lubeck. We met the polish students for the first time at the trainstation but got to a different train than them.
We proceeded to walk to the school from the trainstation with all of our luggage and it was raining so yeahh. We left our stuff in the school and went to get some lunch and after that our hosts were waiting for us at the school. We all parted to go with our hosts, me and Veera going with Claes. The rest of the day was just about getting to know our host family, getting to know the house we would be living for a week.


We met at the Lubeck's trainstation at 9am and took the train to Hansapark, which is a really awesome amusementpark. We got to see around Hansapark on our own and it was a lot of fun. There was just enough time to go eat something, try all the cool rides and go for a second run in some.
When we got back to Lubeck at around 4pm, our actual free, unorganized, time started. Me and Veera decided to drop by at Claes' place and come back to the city to hang out with some others from the project.

Free Saturday

Me and Veera did actually the total opposite to the plan of th paper. We didn't spend the day with our host, since he went to work and we didn't see around Lubeck, instead we went to Hamburg with a bunch of other project members. We arrived to the train station of Hamburg and started to walk towards the shops everyone wanted to check out. We divided into smaller groups at some point and I went shopping with Veera and after going through some shops we ate at a restaurant that had the best dessert ever. Then we met with the others and I went to Primark with half of the group.
We all met again at the train station and took the train back to Lubeck. Some germans and finns were going bowling in the evening but most of us were tired and didn't want to spend money on it so we didn't go.


Sunday was pretty much work work work work work Rihanna playing. I would've thought that day to be a really exhausting and boring day, but I actually had a lot of fun doing our assignments and all. The day was divided to two parts and then there was a lunch break in the middle. The first part's task was a poster related to migration. We worked in groups and the posters turned out great. Then most of us went to McDonald's to get something to eat and then came back to the school for the second part. I felt really sleepy in the second part and the task was to make a video where we talk about migration. Thank god we couldn't show our video, because I was horrible in it. But all in all the "study"-part was fun. After that we went to Peter Pane and the rest of the evening was free and we just hung out with each other.


We visited Kloster Nutchau, which is a monastery that takes in refugees. There was a priest, who told us about how they work and then there were refugees, who told their stories on how they got to Germany.

After the monastery we stayed at the city to buy souvenirs. We went to the marzipan store and some small souvenir shops. Our shopping ended after going through Tigerrrrr. We wanted to go to our home early because we were planning on doing some homework, but we actually ended up not doing much.


We had to put the alarm to wake us up at 5:00 because our bus to school left at 6:23 from the bus stop. We got to school and a bus came to pick up the whole group at around 7:15. The bus trip to Berlin involved things like Dancing Line, Faktaa Koirista and The coconut song. It was about a 4h drive but it didn't feel boring at all.
We arrived in front of a museum an hour behind schedule. Finnish people got a finnish tour through a bunker, which turned out to be a very useless bunker. After that we went through the actual museum on our own in a hurry.
We all ate at a buffet and got to explore Berlin on our own after that. We split into small groups and I went with Kajetan, Karolina Graban and their polish teacher to the Apple Store because everyone else pretty much went shopping and I didn't want to. After checking some stores we walked back to the meeting point which was actually better than going by a ride even though it was like a 45min walk. I could see more of the city and stuff. We took some group photos and headed back to the bus. The bus trip back home was really calming, which was good because I was really tired after a long day.
The trip was really fun and the only real "minus" was the bus driver.

Lubeck tour and other stuff

The last full day started with visiting german lessons. i was in a middle schoolers' lesson with Veera, Salla, Jere and Iiro. It was interesting but it would've been cool to see a high schoolers' lesson. after the lessons we had a city tour through Lubeck. The tour lasted about two hours and after that we had a free afternoon. We checked a some kind of supermarket and headed back home to get ready for the party the germans had arranged for us. The day was very eventful..