Lübeck, Germany

My Germany Trip

5.10 First day We started our journey at 4 am when a bus picked us up from our school. We arrived at Helsinki around 6 am. Our flight left at 7.50 am and at 8.50 am Germany’s time we arrived at Hamburg. We took a train to Lübeck and arrived there at time. We met the germans at their school where went through our week’s schedule a bit.

6.10 Second day On the second day we went to amusement park in Lübeck called Hansapark. I had lots of fun and the day went by really fast. The weather was perfect the whole day. Also the immigrants from the german’s school were in the amusement park with us.

7.10 Third day It was Saturday and our only fully free day of the week. Lina and her mother took me and Ella to the center of Lübeck and showed us around. For example we visited few churches, ate in a local café and visited the city’s famous marzipan shop. I fell in love with Lübeck on that day.

8.10 Fourth day We spent the whole day in Ernestinenschule doing different kinds of tasks related to migration and immigrants. Teachers divided us into different groups to do the tasks in. I learned a lot of new stuff from migration while doing the tasks. We were at the school till noon and then we went to eat lunch at this restaurant called Peter Pane. The hamburgers there were really good!

9.10 Fifth day We went to visit and old monastery which is now used as reception centre from asylum seekers. A monk living there told us about the history of the monastery and three refugees told us their stories of their past life and how they got into Germany. Later we also went to a monk church and watched them to do their worship there. Before leaving we ate at the cafe of the monastery and I personally really liked the food there. Especially the dessert which was vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce and blueberries. Later on that day Lina took us to some beach. It was absolutely beautiful.

10.10 Sixth day On Tuesday we visited the beautiful capital city of Germany, Berlin. We had to wake up really early so I didn’t get so much sleep on that day. The bus drive was around 4 hours but it was worth it. I wish that we had more time to be in Berlin ’cause I really liked the city. We visited the museum of Berlin and got in the old bunker from second wolrd war. Also we saw The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. It made me think about the horrible events in Berlin. Though I didn’t have time to see the wall of Berlin.

11.10 Seventh day I was feeling sick in the morning so I stayed at Lina’s but others went to visit german’s lessons. They were also on a guided tour in Lübeck. I joined other later in the evening for the farewell party. It was int he school’s cafeteria. Everyone had made some food for the party and also we sang some german folk songs.

12.10 Last day The last day was sad of course. Some of us visited Hamburg and did some shopping there. When it was the time to leave to the airport everyone was kinda sad. We hugged the germans for the final goodbye and get into the train. The flight back to Helsinki went smoothly.

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