New Survey on our pupils' breakfast habits

During the 2nd week of  January, our students were asked to fill in the same questionnaire they had been given in the beginning of November. The target groups consisted of 60 pupils from the 5th and 6th  grades.
They were exactly the same pupils who had taken part in the first survey about their breakfast habits.
Comparing the results between the two surveys, one can easily come up with the conclusion that our  pupils stay true to their first choices with a few differentiations.
In general we can say that they have good breakfast habits  but they can still improve them. Even though we focussed on the importance of a healthy breakfast during the 1st term of the school year, through various health educational  projects for every group, 33% of our students still don't have breakfast every day. It is very positive however , that the 77% of the pupils, the majority of them eat breakfast every day.
Their two favourite choices are milk with cookies or milk with cereals,followed by bread and butter,honey and marmalade,fruit or nutella  type cream on bread.No breakfast at all is still common to a certain extent of course!

The truth is that  the parents of most of them , leave earlier for work than their children for school. So the children have to eat breakfast alone, sometimes they don't have time to prepare it themselves and they prefer to have the first meal of the day during the first break at school. 
At the weekends however the situation is much better: family gathers together around the breakfast table sharing the news of the week and making plans for the weekend. It's a moment that all the children anticipate to come and enjoy a nice breakfast with their family.

We would dare to say that perhaps it is in the Greek people's DNA to ....avoid or ... forget to eat breakfast!
Just a cup of coffee for the adults and a glass of milk for the kids were the most common breakfast habits of the Greek family until a few years ago. 
Now things have changed and a healthy breakfast has become a family habit. Everybody realises how important  breakfast is in our daily routine. It gives us the energy we need after the"fasting" period of the previous night. It is the most important eating habit that a child must develop for the rest of his life .
Children should learn to wake up earlier and have a good breakfast , even prepare it by themselves.
Scientific research has proved that children who don't have breakfast, have got α low  performance at school subjects , they look tired and less concentrated than those who eat breakfast.

We hope that the slogan of the  cover picture will motivate everyone and mostly the children and help them realize the benefits of having a good and healthy breakast before they start their day.
Eleni, a 10-year-old girl wrote in her questionnaire : "I am grateful that I eat breakfast every day because there are so many children in the world who have nothing to eat at all!"  She has got 7 more brothers and sisters in her family! This girl has made the difference, hasn't she?

Read more at the attached survey.


2nd Breakfast Habits Survey .doc


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