
Pan- Hellenic and European School Sports Day 2018

 The first week of October the pupils of all grades visited the Olympic Stadium of Athens to participate in the Pan -Hellenic and European Sports Day. They played games, they did all kinds of sports  having fun at the same time. It was an unforgettable day for al of us.

Healthy Autumn activities with Seasonal Fruit

Autumn is here and has brought a lot of seasonal fruit along!
One of them is...... Can you guess?

" I am not a king
I wear a crown
Red rubies
Ι spread around!
What am I?"

In Greece the most typical fruit of this season is the pomegranate. It is broadly known as one of the healthiest fruit since a 100-g serving of pomegranate seeds provides 12% of the Daily Value for Vitamin C.
As you can see in the pictures below, our 3rd graders tried hard to peel the pomegranates and taste the sweet, red seeds inside it. They had fun and enjoyed this experiential lesson literally, they used their hands to touch , their nose to smell, their tongues to taste, their eyes to observe, their ears to hear the crack when they broke these beautiful fruit. They said riddles to each other about the pomegranate, they sang songs and they read stories and poems. They learnt about all the benefits οf this super food during this unique experience in class. Every child and adult should have pomegranates in their daily diet.

What are these? Chestnuts! Yummy! Delicious and so healthy!

You can still find  them grilled in the streets of the big cities of Greece  as they used to be sold in the past by the so-called "kastanades", the roving chestnuts salesmen.

A song about the pomegranate tree


Group B (7yrs)

Healthy menu vs Happy menu ?!
Group E created their own menus, some of them were really healthy while some others  were really .....tempting ! käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä