3. Future libraries

Agenda for Group meetings onThursday 17th of September 2015 in Sarpsborg

Group 3 Future libraries


9.00 Welcome, introduction and practical orientation of today’s agenda by Anette

9.30 Group discussion/exchange of experience

The physical library space – how must libraries change to meet new requirements from the public and from our governmental bodies?

  • What has been done in each library so far to change the physical space, if any changes have been made? Can we learn from each other?
  • How can we develop our libraries to maintain our position as important meeting places in our communities?
  • The public library as a learning center

10.45 Short coffee break

11.00 Literary exchanges by Torill Stokkan

Literary exchanges between twin cities - exchanging writers, gain insight into each other's literary history. Maybe this can be made visible in our respective libraries and / or during festivals etc. We refer to cooperation / exhibition we had with Struer Museum under our Literature Week some years ago.

11.45 Summary of the morning program by Anette

12.00-13.30 Lunch and tour of Sarpsborg Scene

Kl. 13.30-16.00

13.30 Group Discussion/exchange of experience

Library content and services – (at least in Norway) the focus changes from collections management and lending books to active dissemination of content, being an arena for debate and public discussion and a meeting place.

  • Events and happenings – how is it organized in our libraries? What is successful and what has failed? Can we share experiences and get new ideas on how to put together good, interesting programs in our libraries?
  • Reading campaigns? For children? For other target groups?
  • How do we reach young adults?
  • Digital services, e-books – how to build good collections, how to make good use of available digital resources and how to reach our users and non-users.

15.00 Short coffee break

15.15 Debating today’s program and topics good/bad, useful, and the group’s future organization and meeting frequency.

16.00 End of meeting

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