Sami & Jere

Best Summer Ever! (Preesens ja Futuuri)

Adam, his friend and his friend's family starts own adventure from Tuscany, Italy. Adam's friend Matt's dad is from there so he usually want go to there first. 
There is a person at security control. He doesn't want take his hoodie off even tho security guards tell him to take it off. Well there comes the police. When we get to Frankurt I'm going to sleep right away. We are now flying to Venice.I'm not even sure what time is it or even what date is now. At Venice we are going to rent a car and whit that car we are going to travel to Tuscany. We are going to rent some scooters for all of us. First I tought that we are not going to find eany friends who is same age as we are but there is so mutch amazing people and we are now friends whit them.
road between green grass field near mountains under blue and brown sky at golden hour

Budapest (Imperfekti)

We had amazing time in Tuscany. After that trip we went to Budapest. Also it was great to be in Budapest because it's the capital city of Hungary. It was kinda supriceing how much there was americans. I dont know why tho. After all that carefree we had a big shopping trip. It was not so nice to be in a car because I got carsick. I got into reading history because there was so much interesting places where I was. One of those places was Jewish Quarters. But I still don't like some stuff here.
aerial photography of buildings viewing bridge and sea during daytime

Paris (Perfekti)

We have left Budabest late in the evening to catch a flight to paris. But then they have announced that our flight has been cancelled due the technical problem and the next flight has been shceduled to the next morning. I have tried to sleep on those extremely uncomfortable chairs ( i don't even know why they have to make them out of hard plastic and uncomfortable from the sides) All the shops and restaurants has been closed. There has been nothing else except wait for the morning. Matt's sister has been all hyped-up about the artistic treasure in Paris. We had heard about it already on the plane. I have not been a huge fan of shellfish but i strugglet my way through, and in the end i have to admit they were pretty good. I haven't been this proud of myself trying something new.
Eiffel Tower, Paris France

Denmark (Pluskvamperfekti)

I had enjoyed the trip in the Paris a lot. Matt's parents had fun time time there too. I had feeled so good after I had got rid of my bad stomach bug. I almost had to cry for that good feeling. I had not got that bad stomach bug before. We had rented a car to go to Denmark. I had not got carsick that time. We had stayed a night in a cozy bed and we had really good brakefast too. We had so mutch fun maybe too fun. No one ever had told me that Angry Birds was Danish.close-up photo of colorful houses