
4.2 Denmark / Preesens

adam feels fantastic being well again. He doesn't like staring at the roof of the bathroom for three days. Adam and Matt's familys next destination is Denmark. They rent a car and drive to the German border. They stay the night at a cozy bed in Sönderborg. They drive to the Atlantic coast There is not much populatiton there, only big farms. They stayed a couple of days in Copenhagen. They go to tivoli and Legoland. Adam buys souvenirs for his family.One day they take the train to Sweden. Adam wants to change cash in a currency exchange. He doesn't like that there is different currency in Sweden. He thinks it's confusing with the crowns.

3.2 Paris / imperfekti

Adam and the others left Budapest late in the evening. They checked their suitcases and went trough the security check. Adam was looking forward a late snack. Adam and the others flight was cancelled due to a techical problem. They had to stay the night at the airport. Adam didn't get to sleep so he stared out of the window. he spent most of the night reading about paris. At dawn they finally caught the flight to Paris. When they checked in their hotel in Paris, Adam didn't go exploring, but he went to take a nap. In the evening they went to a fancy restaurant. Adam took clams in the restaurant. Adam hadn't eaten clam before. At the hotel it turned out that Adam had food poisoning from clams

2.3 Budapest / perfekti

After week in Tuscany, we have been to Budapest. Adam has not liked saying goodbye to new friends. Adam has tried to sleep in the car, because he has been getting carsick. He has noticed that there has been alot of americans in Budapest. Adam has got into reading history. When Adam has gone to eating at MCDonald's He has seen two guys from england. Adam and Matt have gone sitting with the english guys. The guys have sayed that their names has been Oliver and Paul. They have started speaking about London. They sayed that all the museums have been free. They didn't tell about the sightseeings in London. Adam and Matt has asked if they could make an extra stop in London. Matt's dad has sayed that they haven't got time for that . Adams favourite thing about budapest has been the outside spa

1.1 Best summer ever! / pluskvamperfekti

Adam had the most amaizing summer ever. He had been in Europe with matt's family.he had not been to Europe before. First They had flew from San Francicso to Frankfurt. When they had arrived on Frankfurt, They had took another flight to Venice. he had not thought that venice is going to sink some day. Adam had wached atleast three movies during the flight. When Adam and matt's family had arrived in Venice, They had rented a car and had driven to Tuscany, Where Matt's dad is from. Adam had met new friends there. They had went to town with their scooters. they had not been to nowhere else than the pool by grapevines. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä