
A job shadowing project with a special interest in e-learning, curricula and common European heritage (Erasmus+ KA1)

A job shadowing project with a special interest in e-learning, curricula and common European heritage was initiated via eTwinning by Forssan yhteislyseo, a provincial upper secondary school with 500 (aged 16-19 years) students and 30 teachers in the south-west of Finland, with Liceo Statale Alessandro Manzoni, a secondary school with 2000 (aged 15-18 years) students and 200 teachers in southern Italy.
Finnish general upper secondary education is in transition in 2016-2019 with new national curricula, changes in organizations, diminishing resources, needs of stronger networks and internationalization, ICT-based solutions in teaching and learning of heterogenous groups of students and an introduction of digital national matriculation examination. The main objective is to find keys to master the massive change in a relatively short period of time and develop as a learning organization. The mutual focus of the project is to amalgamate e-learning into the schools' methodology of teaching students with different needs including students with learning difficulties or special needs. Three English-speaking teachers of different subjects from Forssan yhteislyseo were involved in a week's job shadowing activity in Liceo Manzoni in April, 2016. Prior to the visit, Forssan yhteislyseo,, established a joint website on its learning platform to facilitate communication between the schools besides online conferences on Skype/AdobeConnect. The site called Caserta was/will be used during and after the job shadowing activity to monitor, store and present the relevant results and outcome of the project. The teachers involved in the mobility apply peer mentoring as a tool of dissemination of their experiences and results. Liceo A. Manzoni being a resource center and a CLIL pilot school with connections to other institutes of secondary education and universities in Europe, Forssan yhteislyseo expects to gain successful multiple networking tools for future reference of developing to a stronger provincial educational institute able to act as a resource center itself. Forssan yhteislyseo wishes to establish future cooperation with Liceo A. Manzoni which plans to pay a job shadowing visit to Forssan yhteislyseo in the spring of 2017 to monitor digital exams and to get acquinted with the national digital matriculation examination.


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