ENA5A 2019


Monday 14.30
Tuesday 9.35
Wednesday 9.35

Vocabulary, Level E, Unit 6-10

Grammar p. 200-264


Monday 8.4 : Introduce the play, read the first monologue. Explain next year's courses. SAT book. Show some old videos.
Tuesday 9.4: Go through Act 1, sc. i-ii
Wednesday 10.4: Unit 6 vocabulary quiz, Grammar p. 205-219

Monday 15.4: Quiz on Act 1. Start Act 2. 
Tuesday 16.4 Act 2, starting at sc 2, l. 68
Wednesday 17.4 Level E, Unit 7, grammar p.220-230 (Teacher came late, started at 10.15)

Coordinating conjunctions: fanboys
subordinate conjunction
conjunctive adverb
correlative conjunctions 

Monday 22.4 EASTER MONDAY (No class)
Tuesday 23.4 Go over Act 2, sc iv. start Act 3 (finish up until end of scene 1, Act 3)
Wednesday 24.4 Act 2 quiz, Level E Unit 8, Grammar p. 231-40

Monday 29.4  Finish Act 3, watch Act 3 up to 1:28 (right after recruiting)
Tuesday 30.4 Finish watching, start Act 4 read up to 145 to l.55, decide on scenes, Grammar up to 240
Wednesday 1.5 Vappu (No Class) 

Monday 6.5 Act 4, Read until end of scene 1, watch until 1:49 (the treason scene)
Tuesday 7.5, Read scene 2 and 3, Watch until 2:21 (end of Act 4) look at scripts
Wednesday 8.5 Level Unit 9, grammar p. 241-250, Discuss scenes

Monday 13.5 Act 4 quiz, Work on scenes
Wednesday 15.5 Unit 10, grammar p. 251-260 TIME TO WORK ON SCENES

Monday 20.5 Act 5 discuss and watch
Tuesday 21.5 Films DUE. make up quizzes. Watch Toivo's film and Grammar 261-269
Wednesday 22.5 Prep final, watch Adian's, Markus's
Exam 28.5

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