About school uniforms

Use of school uniforms by country

Why would you want to make children wear school uniforms, anyway?

With controversy about policing students’ clothing from the U.S. to Zambia, one might question the wisdom of requiring school uniforms in the first place. But there are various arguments in favor of uniforms:

Of course, there are also potential downsides. Uniforms restrict students’ opportunity to express themselves. Most importantly, school uniforms will not solve the most fundamental challenges with quality education.

Do free school uniforms help children stay in school? (worldbank.org)

School uniforms around the world

Uganda Indonesia girls Nepal Bolivia Japan older Ukraine
Abu Dhabi Indonesia boys Malaysia Turkey Japan younger India 1
Tonga Australia Thailand China Japan India 2
Bhutan Sri Lanka Sri Lanka South Africa Myanmar Kenya
UK girls  UK boys  UK older UK Spain Nigeria
Mexico North Korea Vietnam Ghana Cuba alakoulu Cuba yläkoulu

Eton college (koulumaksu noin 60 000 € vuodessa, koulu ulkoa), 

Classrooms around the world

Syria (sotatilanne) Uganda Brazil Nigeria
Mosul, Irak Pakistan Florida, USA Brazil
Bangladesh pakolaisleiri China Côte d'Ivoire Chile
South Sudan (pakolaisleiri) Ukraine Malaysia UK

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