Variable expressions

In most countries, temperatures are reported in degrees Celsius, but in some countries, such as the United States, degrees Fahrenheit are used. There is a certain relationship between the different temperature scales, which can be expressed as a mathematical expression. Degrees Celsius can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit by using the expression [[$ F = \dfrac{9}{5}C + 32 $]]​, where [[$ F $]] is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and [[$ C $]] is the temperature in degrees Celsius.

The Fahrenheit expression can be used over and over again by placing different temperatures in place of [[$ C $]]. Therefore, it is an example of a variable expression. The letter [[$ C $]] represents a variable that can have different values. In variable expressions, the multiplication sign is omitted when the product of a number and a variable or several variables are entered. However, the sign must be marked when placing a numeric value in place of a variable. In addition, if the value of the variable is negative, it must be enclosed in brackets. Two calculation signs cannot occur in a row without brackets.

Example 1

Calculate what a Fahrenheit scale thermometer shows if the outside temperature in degrees Celsius is a) 5 °C, b) –15 °C?

a) Place the number 5 in the place of the variable [[$ C $]] and calculate the value of the expression. 

b) Place the number -15 in the place of the variable [[$ C $]] and calculate the value of the expression. 

Answer: a) 5 °C is 41 °F in Fahrenheit. b) –15 °C is 5 °F in Fahrenheit.

Typical errors when placing variable values

Place values [[$ x=3 $]] and [[$ y=4 $]] in the expression [[$ 2xy $]].

You forgot the multiplication signs.

b) Correct!

Place values [[$ x=-2 $]] and [[$ y=-5 $]] in the expression [[$ 2xy $]].

a) Incorrect!
You forgot the multiplication signs.

You forgot the brackets!

c) Correct! käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä