Why is Germany such a significant industrial power?

Industry, such as the manufacture of cars and pharmaceuticals, requires many kinds of different things. These include plenty of raw materials, good infrastructure and transport routes and a skilled workforce. 

Germany is rich in many kinds of natural resources, especially in coal and iron ore. These materials are used in the metal industry. Because of this, Germany has become one of the most significant producers of cars and machinery. You may already be familiar with many German car manufacturers, such as Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Opel and Volkswagen.

The German infrastructure is also suitable for large-scale industry. Large amounts of goods and raw materials are transported through the nation's large rivers and highways. It is possible to travel through Germany by boat, from the North Sea to the Black Sea. This is made possible by the Rhein and Danube rivers, as well as by the canal that has been constructed between them.