17. Russia

Russia is the largest nation in the world

Russia is the largest nation in the world. It covers an area from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. In the north, it is bordered by the Arctic Ocean, whereas in the south, it is bordered by the nations of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China.

Russia is the largest nation in the world

The Russian Federation is the largest nation in the world in terms of its surface area. It covers an area from the coast of the Baltic Sea in the west to the coast of the Pacific Ocean in the east. It is located on two continents: its western part is located in Europe, and its eastern part is located in Asia.

The largest Russian cities, such as the capital city of Moscow, are located in the western, European part of the nation.

The Ural Mountains separate the European part of Russia from the eastern, Asian part. The part of Russia located on the Asian continent is also known as Siberia. It is a sparsely populated area. The largest Siberian cities are located near large rivers.

The large Russian rivers, the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena, all flow towards the Arctic Ocean in the north. The famous Volga River flows into the Caspian Sea. Despite its name, the Caspian Sea is actually a large lake. 

The northernmost parts of the nation consist of treeless tundra. Most of Russia exists in the coniferous forest zone, also known as taiga. In the southernmost parts of Russia, coniferous forest is replaced by broadleaf forests and treeless grasslands.

Russian government

The official name of Russia is the Russian Federation. This means that Russia is actually not a single country, but instead a federation of 83 smaller regions. Each of these federations has two representatives in the Russian federal assembly, which is the nation's legislative body.

In addition to the federal assembly, the president holds a lot of political power in Russia. 

Picture: The political decisions of the Russian Federation are made in its capital city, Moscow. 

Russian economy

Russia is one of the most important economic powers in the world. However, the nation's riches are distributed very unevenly between the nation's rich western part and its poor eastern parts.

Russia has the largest deposits of natural gas, crude oil and coal in the world. In addition to these natural resources, the Russian forests also provide a lot of wood for the forest industry. In addition to these industries, the metal industry is also a significant part of the Russian economy. 

In addition to industry, agriculture is also an important livelihood. Most of the agricultural products made in Russia are sold on the nation's large domestic market.

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