Project assignment

Goals and instructions

  • The goal of this project assignment is to find out how European regions differ from one another. 
  • In this project, we focus on the European people and their lifestyles.
  • The scope and size of the project can be determined based on how much time there is available.
  • The project is completed in small groups, but the finished projects are presented to the whole class.
  • The projects are presented in the form of short oral presentations.
Stages of the project:
  1. Form small groups. Each group chooses one European nation to focus on.
  2. The teacher decides which parts of the project (below) will be completed.
  3. The groups search for information independently and prepare oral presentations.
  4. The finished projects are presented in class. 


  • A news studio is created in the classroom. Two people are chosen as news anchors. Their job is to present the news items found by each group every week. The news anchors can also change from week to week.
  • The news studio can be decorated with a map of Europe where each group's nation is marked in a different color.
  • Each week, the groups bring one news item from their own nation to class. The news anchors present the news to the whole class. 
  • Subjects: politics, rulers, weather, economy, culture, sport.


Using the internet or the school library, find out the following information about your nation:
  • The most important industrial products made there
  • Whether or not the nation is a member of the European Union.
  • The nation's currency.
The information is presented in class.
After each group has presented their nation's economy, discuss the following questions:
  • How well known are the industrial products of different nations?
  • Can a nation's industrial products be used to estimate its wealth and living conditions?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of belonging to the European Union?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the euro as a currency?


Using the internet or the school library, find out the following information about your nation:
  • What languages are spoken in the nation?
  • What are the most popular religions in the nation?
  • What is the nation's school system like?
The information is presented in class. 
After each group has presented the culture of their nation, you can discuss the differences between them. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä