Week 1, e-tivity on well-being 3/3

Information for colleagues

Hi DigCompEdu-colleagues!

This e-tivity would be directed to second year high-schoolers (16-17-years-old) as a part of guidance and counseling module OP2 "Post-graduate studies, working life and future". One part of the course/module is "to deepen the skill of life management and well-being". 

This e-tivity would settle into stage 4 in the Five Stage Model.

Are we in a rat race?

1) Watch the following video “happiness” from Steve Cutts first on your own. In the video Cutts represents a critique of modern society.

2) What kind of emotions and thoughts the animation provoked in you? Post your comment under the video. Your post should be between 10-30 words.

Group discussion

3) Discuss in the group (that teacher has assigned you to) about following questions and formulate a mutual answer which you will post as an answer to this assignment. 

Arrange the discussion online in pedanet's group note -function. At this point, meet only online. You will arrange live meetings later.
a) first fix an appointment in appointment forum
b) decide who will create the group note to his/hers "own page" (watch THIS tutorialvideo if you need help) and share the link to the note for your group via publicity setting.
c) create your contribution and when finished, decide who will post your work as an answer to this task. (not readable for other groups).

a) What kind of things Cutts represent as things that rats (read: people) seek to fulfill their need of happiness?
b) After reviewing “happiness-factors” discuss about the factors and tell which of them you find yourself striving for.
c) Do you disagree with the assertions that he makes with the animation? How?

Your contribution should be between 150-300 words.

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Your post is seen only by the teacher and you.
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