Julius Caesar

Julius was not born by Caesarean Section. He was born in Subara, Rome. July 13, 100 B.C. Some people believes that he was born by Caesarean Section. He was born to an aristrocratic family but in Roman standard they were not rich. His full name was Gaius Julius Ceasar. When he was six he started his education. He was taught by a private tutor called Marcus Antonius Gnipho. He learned how to read and write as well as he learnt about Roman law and how to speak in front of public. These were important things to know when somebody would become a leader in Rome.

Early Adulthood
His father died when he was sixteen years old. Then he became the head of the family and was responsible for his mother and his sister. He married three times in his life. His first marraige was when he was seventeen. He married to Cornelia.In 75 BCE, 25-year-old Julius Caesar was sailing the Aegean Sea when he was kidnapped by Cilician pirates, when the pirates asked for a ransom of 20 talents of silver (approximately 620 kg of silver, or 600,000 in today's silver values), Julius just laughed at them and some how he left from there.

Early Career
Before going to war he used to pray to Jupitar. Julius Caesar joined the army and left Rome to kill Sulla and his allies. When he returned Rome everybody was proud of him and then he joined in the Roman military and was a military hero. He made allies with powerful men such as general Pompey the great and the wealthy Crassus. Then Romans started to love him. While in Egypt he fell in love with the queen of Egypt, Cleopatra. He helped her to become pharaoh and had a child named Caesarion with her

Consuls and Generals
When Julius Caesar was 40 he was elected to consul. Consul was the highest ranking position in Roman republic at that time. The consul was sort of a presedint. But there were two consuls and they only served for one year. Julius became the admistrator of the region Gaul. As the admistrator of Gaul, Caesar was in charge of four Roman legions. He conquered all of
Gaul. He was a very effective admistrator and a general. He gained the respect and honor from his army.

Civil War
Politics in Rome became increasingly hostile while Caesar was in Gaul. Many of the leaders were jealous of Caesar and his following. Even the general Pompey became jealous and soon Caesar and Pompey became opponent. Caesar had the support of the people and Pompey had the support of the noblemen. Caesar announced that he was going to return to Rome and run for consul again. The Roman Senate replied that he must give up the command of his army first. He said no and strated to march with his army towards Rome. Caesar took control of Rome in 49 BC and spent the next 18 months fighting Pompey. He finally defeated Pompey, chasing him all the way to Egypt.

Dictator of Rome
In 46 BC Caesar returned to Rome. He was now the most powerful man in the world. The Senate made him dictator for life and he ruled like a king. He made many changes to Rome. He put his own supporters in the Senate to make it more powerful.
He built new buildings and temples in the city of Rome. He even changed the calendar to the now famous Julian calendar with 365 days and a leap year.

Some people in Rome felt that Caesar was too powerful. They were worried that his rule would put an end to the Roman Republic. They planned to kill him.  On March 15, 44 BC Caesar entered the Senate. A number of men ran up to him and began to attack him and killed him. He was stabbed many times.


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